What are the best drivers, reference 48 or ASUS 1.02 ?
This is an _extensive_ ongoing debate best left to that NG.
Kip C. Anderson
kca at rio dot com
I would say, stick with the ASUS driver. The V3400(16MB) does better
with it then a V550 with whatever drivers. Btw, did you get the bios
ver. 2.04.17 ? I can't tell wether it will help GPL, I flashed it before
I had GPL (about three weeks ago).
wrote :
Sure. Bet you've got a V2.
Ren van Lobberegt, The Netherlands.
Cheetah Racing :
Personal site : http://www.toptown.com/INNERCIRCLE/1846/
AMCA web master : http://www.amcaracing.nl/