I'm building a P-200 MMX *** system to run Quake, Nascar2
and ICR2 with an Intergraph Reactor card. I know DMA performance of
the motherboard affects the performance of some Rendition ready games,
but how much of a difference does DMA performance really make. Before
I get obsessed with getting the MB with the absolute best possible DMA,
how much of a difference is there between a MB with 40Mbps and a MB with
90MBps. It looks like the ASUS P/I-P55T2P4 board may not have enough
ISA slots for my needs, so any suggestions on another Baby-AT or ATX
board with more slots and good DMA performance would be helpful. The
P/I-XP55T2P4 looks tempting, but only a 66MHz bus sux. I like the ABIT
IT5H board, but wondered if anyone has heard good things about any other
motherboards with HX chipset, 75 to 83 Mhz bus, good DMA, and plenty of
slots. Thanks