Hope you can tell me some help here. I am looking to run nascar and games
like mtm, cart, flight simulators...
Since only nascar 9of games I use anyway) uses the rendition? (confused
here) based cards. I have a 2 mb matrox millenium (original). Nascar2 is
probably as it can get for now... Unless, if rend cards are low price now,
do they support the directx enough to just get one rendition chip based
addon card, and see better performance on mtm and other direx stuff at all?
I could entertain some improvement here, doesnt have to be THE VERY BEST!!
I mean I have some money to play with but not Bunches where I'd go buy 3 new
cards for my system just for games ya understand...
OR is it, that it just wont do 3dfx games like MTM, Cart etc....?
Has anyone tried or seen matrox's m3D would this be my more reasonable
option? at least cart and mtm would run much beter?
Any help, thanks