iRacing 2 races in....


iRacing 2 races in....

by Rob » Sun, 10 Aug 2008 21:48:42

I seem to be quite ***ed to this game. My first race was a disaster. I
came off around 3 times and got hit by a car as well. I came in 2nd to last
at -7 laps down! My rating took a hammering and went down by around 0.1.

My second race was a lot better. Came 9th, with two others behind me. Had
one off track incident, which also involved another car tailgating me.
Despite this my rating went up and it's now at 2.63, so I now have a better
rating than before my first race disaster.

My lap times during races are really poor, the best so far being a 1:11:903.
I guess I'm just playing it safe and spending a lot of time trying to get
out of peoples way.

The latter seems to be an art. I used to try to get off the racing line, but
after an incident in the first race, where doing this hit another car, I now
stay on the racing line, unless I have ample time to get off it before the
faster car comes through. Lol, the race leaders must really hate me!

My fastest lap has improved a smidgeon to 01:08:620, but is still way off

The two races have provided valuable feedback as to where I'm slow. It seems
to be the turn after the big hill and the final turn. In fact I seem to lose
loads at the final turn. I'm going to try some Testing sessions to see if I
can get around this final turn without braking, but I'm not so sure.

For me, despite my ability, I think iRacing is the dogs bollocks. Just wish
I could race with other people that go around in the 1:10's. Maybe the
iRacing publishers weren't expecting anybody to be this bad! :-))

Robert Pollard

Wingwong Wo

iRacing 2 races in....

by Wingwong Wo » Mon, 11 Aug 2008 06:34:26

You like dog's ***? You sick mofo!

David Fisher's Left Testicl

iRacing 2 races in....

by David Fisher's Left Testicl » Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:21:18

>> For me, despite my ability, I think iRacing is the dogs bollocks.

> You like dog's ***? You sick mofo!

The gentleman is merely using a euphuism for something be very good, you
Andrew MacPhers

iRacing 2 races in....

by Andrew MacPhers » Mon, 11 Aug 2008 18:39:00

> For me, despite my ability, I think iRacing is
> the dogs bollocks.

Glad you're having fun, but for me this weekend I'm thinking just
bollocks! ;-)

Despite a 4+ SR it seems that I can only practise/qualify/TT in the
Skippy, but not race. I guess it's a rookie thing. Oh joy.
Still, practising for the Infineon race I couldn't compete in was the
most fun I've had in iRacing so far, so it hasn't been a complete waste
of money.

And just now I decided to avoid a Solstice at Laguna (what a terrible,
*terrible* combination that is!) and entered a Coupe at Lanier... which
is another *** little merry-go-round of a track, but at least it's wide
enough to have a bit of fun without too much risk to others.

Well, it was until I 'nurfed' the concrete, earning a x3 incident and
wrecked steering. I peeled off the track nicely, pitted, shift-R'd, then
got a speeding penalty on exit because I was building up speed below the
dotted line, trying not to cause other drivers a problem.

By the time I'd served my penalty it was all over. Oh joy... again. :-)
The daft thing is that despite only about ten laps of racing and the
incident my Oval SR went up by .1!  

Andrew McP

*******RAS touchy-feely group-hug settings********
Today Andrew's iRacing mood is: underwhelmed
His subscription renewal is:    still off
His Biscuit of the day is:      digestive
Friends online are:             pissing themselves


iRacing 2 races in....

by Rob » Mon, 11 Aug 2008 18:58:22

>> For me, despite my ability, I think iRacing is
>> the dogs bollocks.

> Glad you're having fun, but for me this weekend I'm thinking just
> bollocks! ;-)

> Despite a 4+ SR it seems that I can only practise/qualify/TT in the
> Skippy, but not race. I guess it's a rookie thing. Oh joy.
> Still, practising for the Infineon race I couldn't compete in was the
> most fun I've had in iRacing so far, so it hasn't been a complete waste
> of money.

> And just now I decided to avoid a Solstice at Laguna (what a terrible,
> *terrible* combination that is!) and entered a Coupe at Lanier... which
> is another *** little merry-go-round of a track, but at least it's wide
> enough to have a bit of fun without too much risk to others.

> Well, it was until I 'nurfed' the concrete, earning a x3 incident and
> wrecked steering. I peeled off the track nicely, pitted, shift-R'd, then
> got a speeding penalty on exit because I was building up speed below the
> dotted line, trying not to cause other drivers a problem.

> By the time I'd served my penalty it was all over. Oh joy... again. :-)
> The daft thing is that despite only about ten laps of racing and the
> incident my Oval SR went up by .1!

> Andrew McP

> *******RAS touchy-feely group-hug settings********
> Today Andrew's iRacing mood is: underwhelmed
> His subscription renewal is:    still off
> His Biscuit of the day is:      digestive
> Friends online are:             pissing themselves
> **************************************************

I had a quick test drive at Laguna with the Solstice and found it not to be
too bad. I have always had nightmares about Laguna from other games. For me
it's a pretty difficult track to get right. But the Solstice is so slow,
that Laguna didn't appear as bad as I remember it.

I had a penalty in a TT, for 'dangerous pit exit' - I guess for crossing the
yellow line too early? In my case I didn't see the black flag in the upper
left until I had nine laps under my belt, when I decided to pit in. I
checked my lap times and they were all invalidated! Arggghhh! In the end
there wasn't enough time to put another 8 laps together, so as far as my SR
went, this was a waste of time.

Still enjoying the racing, but I sometimes wonder if I will ever improve
enough to be competitive!



iRacing 2 races in....

by Tony » Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:54:22

>> For me, despite my ability, I think iRacing is
>> the dogs bollocks.

> Glad you're having fun, but for me this weekend I'm thinking just
> bollocks! ;-)

> Despite a 4+ SR it seems that I can only practise/qualify/TT in the
> Skippy, but not race. I guess it's a rookie thing. Oh joy.
> Still, practising for the Infineon race I couldn't compete in was the
> most fun I've had in iRacing so far, so it hasn't been a complete waste
> of money.

If you can run in any of the other events you should be able to race.
Rookie 4.0+ can race in the Skip Barber series.


Andrew MacPhers

iRacing 2 races in....

by Andrew MacPhers » Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:20:00

> If you can run in any of the other events you should
> be able to race. Rookie 4.0+ can race in the Skip
> Barber series.

In not sure what I was doing wrong, but something was stopping me on Sat &
Sun. Maybe I wasn't registering early enough... in the other classes you
seemed to be able to join right up until the last minute. In the Skippy
you seem to lose that much, much earlier. It's now 6:04am, for instance,
and I can't select the 6:15 race. I can, however, join the 6:10 open
practice or the 6:06 Time Trial.

Anyway, earlier I found I could join the 5:15 race and did. Was having a
nice time with some West Coasties until some twonk who I'd overtaken and
then let past once already, spun again. I decided I didn't want anyone so
fast but unstable up my bumper and pulled over to let him past. Chose the
wrong spot, and he followed me. :-)

I got a x4 penalty and had to restart, he drove on unaffected. I love it
when a plan comes together. :->

Never mind. Just another of the many similar complaints you can find on
any iRacing forum. Next time I'll know to leave even *more* room and take
evasive action *much* earlier.

Andrew McP

*******RAS touchy-feely group-hug settings********
Today Andrew's iRacing mood is: I want to punch something
His subscription renewal is:    still off
His Biscuit of the day is:      ginger nut
Friends online are:             Adolf, Joseph, Mao Zedong

Andrew MacPhers

iRacing 2 races in....

by Andrew MacPhers » Tue, 12 Aug 2008 14:20:00

> I had a quick test drive at Laguna with the Solstice
> and found it not to be too bad.

I hoped my initial reaction had calmed down a bit, but no. The Legends
Coupe at Laguna is quite fun to drive, but while the Soilstice* seems ok
at Lime Rock, I have to wrestle it around Laguna. Perhaps it's the fact
it's a much longer course, so you build up more speed more often, meaning
you have to bleed off much more speed in order to get that beast
interested in turning.

It can be tricky working out exactly what you;ve done wrong sometimes. I
guess this kind of thing becomes second nature after a while though. My
oval black flag came as a result of assuming that because I was outside
the pit wall I was on the track and it was safe to start building up
speed before hitting the outside 3 lanes. Apparently not. :-)

As long as it doesn't go down, you've not wasted any time, just gained
experience. The whole SR thing is a pain though. It's a valid way of
encouraging safe driving, but a system full of potential frustrations and
outright unfairness.

Still, them's the rules!

I know I never will be. Ok, I had a GPL rank of -18 at one stage (not any
more, I'm sure! :-) but that was achieved one lap at a time, and it's a
record of your best performances, not your usual ones. So I anticipate
that if I stay with iRacing I'll go through my normal sim phases...

1) Initial enthusiasm as you explore the various cars & tracks.
2) Plateau of experience while you enjoy simply being a safe driver
3) Steady disillusionment as I realise I'm never going to drive fast, no
matter how many different cars/sims I try. :-)
4) Wandering off to do something else instead and never coming back.

In iRacing's case I imagine 3 & 4 will merge a lot quicker than normal
thanks to the fact you're paying for the pleasure.

Of course if the league system works, and we end up grouped with
similarly challenged racers, it might be quite fun. But experience tells
me that I'm at a fairly quiet end of the Gaussian distribution curve, and
it's unlikely I'll find a critical mass or slow racers who can drive the
classes I enjoy at a time I can race.

Still, the journey so far as been entertaining. I think I might go off
now and try to TT the Skippy at VIR. At least then I know it'll only be
me punting me off the track. Plus the fact I get to read a book while
driving down the loooooooooooong, tedious straight. ;-) Bring back

Andrew McP

*not a deliberate typo, but I'm leaving it in... that's soil as in 'oh
dear, I appear to have soiled my underwear'.

Andrew MacPhers

iRacing 2 races in....

by Andrew MacPhers » Tue, 12 Aug 2008 18:32:00

Late on I joined another. This time I got 'lucky' on lap 1, with someone
in front managing to get sideways in a rather unexpected (by me anyway)
place. Missed him, but took a long detour to avoid.

Later I messed up in a slow corner, well away from anyone else. Then
towards the end I totally***ed up an attempt to get out of the way of 3
lappers racing each other, closing on me faster than I expected. Ended up
with all 4 wheels on the grass and another couple of black marks on my
copy book.

All in all this Skippy racing is a lot more fun, but problematic than the
Solstice. I'm almost nostalgic enough to go back and race the darned
things! At least they move slow enough to be almost totally predictable.

Looking at my results I also see that I apparently had a collision on lap
1 of my earlier race. At one stage I did notice someone getting fairly
close in my mirrors, then drop back quickly, so I'm guessing that was it.
But I never felt a thing.

I suppose it's a testament to iRacing's pretty solid net racing code that
it works so well that you tend to forget you're online where 100%
accurate positioning is almost impossible. That introduces all sorts of
potential glitches.

Andrew McP

Wingwong Wo

iRacing 2 races in....

by Wingwong Wo » Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:02:08

Yea, I know that. But tell me one good thing about dog's balls. The analogy
between good and dog's *** just does not apply.

Peter War

iRacing 2 races in....

by Peter War » Wed, 13 Aug 2008 00:58:34

>> The gentleman is merely using a euphuism for something be very good, you
>> cunt.
>Yea, I know that. But tell me one good thing about dog's balls.

It's no good asking a human.  You have to ask the dog.

They know.



I'm an alien
email: home at peteward dot gotadsl dot co dot uk
That's really boring. Please make up an interesting anecdote.
- Opus


iRacing 2 races in....

by Larr » Wed, 13 Aug 2008 03:53:14

When you see this, refresh your page.  That usually fixes it.


>> If you can run in any of the other events you should
>> be able to race. Rookie 4.0+ can race in the Skip
>> Barber series.

> In not sure what I was doing wrong, but something was stopping me on Sat &
> Sun. Maybe I wasn't registering early enough... in the other classes you
> seemed to be able to join right up until the last minute. In the Skippy
> you seem to lose that much, much earlier. It's now 6:04am, for instance,
> and I can't select the 6:15 race. I can, however, join the 6:10 open
> practice or the 6:06 Time Trial.

> Anyway, earlier I found I could join the 5:15 race and did. Was having a
> nice time with some West Coasties until some twonk who I'd overtaken and
> then let past once already, spun again. I decided I didn't want anyone so
> fast but unstable up my bumper and pulled over to let him past. Chose the
> wrong spot, and he followed me. :-)

> I got a x4 penalty and had to restart, he drove on unaffected. I love it
> when a plan comes together. :->

> Never mind. Just another of the many similar complaints you can find on
> any iRacing forum. Next time I'll know to leave even *more* room and take
> evasive action *much* earlier.

> Andrew McP

> *******RAS touchy-feely group-hug settings********
> Today Andrew's iRacing mood is: I want to punch something
> His subscription renewal is:    still off
> His Biscuit of the day is:      ginger nut
> Friends online are:             Adolf, Joseph, Mao Zedong
> **************************************************

Byron Forbe

iRacing 2 races in....

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:10:23

>> The gentleman is merely using a euphuism for something be very good, you
>> cunt.

> Yea, I know that. But tell me one good thing about dog's balls. The
> analogy
> between good and dog's *** just does not apply.

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