I'm having a small problem with GPL. I installed the JF carset tonight and
everything looks great! BUT, a new problem just developed for me. I've
been running GPL at 1600 resolution for quite awhile with no problems on my
P3-900, 256mb of SDRAM, and GeForce 2 GTS 32mb card. However, after
installing the carset, my mirrors in GPL are "frozen". IE - they take the
first frame drawn and thats it. No animation, fps, or movement.. the first
frame drawn stays in the mirror permanently.
Now, If I drop down one resolution, there is no problem. If I drop down one
resolution, and then back up to 1600, there is no problem. However, If I
restart GPL with 1600 resolution, the mirrors are always frozen.
I have gone into the core.ini and played with alot of the settings including
the doubling vert/horiz size, etc and that didn't seem to have any effect.
Does anyone have any kind of suggestion of what the problem might be? I
guess in the scheme of things it's not a big problem, just kind of a minor
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450