> I noticed another weird problem with the AI a few days ago, that is when I'm
> going down the straight towards the Masta Kink at Spa I just reach the
> 199mph mark in the Honda, but the good AI (Clark, Hill,Amon etc) reach
> 199mph about half way towards the Masta and stay at this speed along the
> whole straight.
> The annoying thing other than the fact they creep up on me is that when
> there is a massive chain of AI cars nose to tail behind eachother, they
> still stay at 199mph, you would think slipstreaming would boost their speed
> but they stay right on 199mph down the whole straight and their cars aren't
> even in the redline. This creates boring racing for the fact there are none
> of those lovely slipstreaming battles that Spa is renouned for.
> Anyone experienced problems like this before? Is there a fix?
Yes, and yes there's a fairly easy fix.
Open the gpl_ai.ini file and find the line:
(it's towards the bottom under the [physics] header
This is a drag coefficient value, and by default it's 0.040. With this
low drag all cars reach 199mph, and most do it well before the end of
the straight. If you increase it a value of about 0.065 to 0.070, the ai
cars will have more drag. The Lotus and Eagles will still reach the
limit of 199mph, but further down the straight, while the slower cars
won't reach 199 at all.
You can also change the limit of 199mph to a higher value so that the
Eagles and Lotuses might go even faster than 199mph (particularly if
they're slipstreaming). To do this open the track.ini file in the
tracks\spa directory, and find the line:
which is under the [GP] header.
The value following is the speedlimit of AI cars. It's given as meters
per tick with a tick being 1/36 sec. Knowing this you can set the
speedlimit to any speed you want, as it's fairly easy to calculate!
Oh and please note: this ONLY changes the speed of AI cars, it has no
effect on human controlled cars!
Arne Martin