I have a weird problem when I use GPL.... after about 15/20
minutes of racing (on or off line), I get a sudden reduction
in frame rate (FPS)...
I normally obtain about 25 fps. which is not to bad, but it
will then drop to about 3/4 fps... this makes the sim
undrivable and turns it into a slide show!
I have three possible theory's...
1) My Voodoo II 3DFX card is overheating (Diamond Monster II)!
2) My temperature protected CPU is overheating, causing the
CPU to run slow!
3) The GPL replay 'buffer' (ram I presume) is filling up,
causing a memory problem!
I use a P200MMX, 64mb.EDO, Mystique 2D + the 3DFX (8mb.)
Can anyone suggest anything else it could be, or any tests I
could do to determine any of the above as the cause? Failing
any suggestions, I will rip the cover off the computer and
start installing more fans/cooling ;-)
It is infuriating getting 2/3rds through a race with a
reasonable position, only to retire because of this 'slide
show' effect. Once I stop racing.... and return to the menu
screen, I can then start again with my max. fps, until it
clogs up again!
Dave Hawnt (UK)