I've had exxatly the same unfortunate experience as you. After getting
help with (finally) starting the car, now I can't get my left paddle
shifter configured to downshift. It's doing something because I can
hear a noise - possibly adjusting the brake bias as you said.
I'm using a Logi MOMO Force with TSW peds. The peds have been detected
properly, but I can't get the MOMO's buttons configured correctly. (In
addition to the paddle shifter problems, the button for Look Right looks
left and a button on the left hand side that I don't want to use looks
Until I can get the wheel configured properly in the demo, there is no
way I'll be purchasing this. Too bad since it looked so promising.
> I downloaded and installed the Demo/work in progress to decide if I
> wanted to purchase the full package with a years worth of updates
> included. As others have already stated, it's nearly impossible to get
> one's wheel calibrated and the motor started. I had to read the forums,
> and was amazed that so many others had the same problems. After way too
> much time wasted on trying to calibrate my TSW2, I was able to get the
> steering wheel to turn and the engine to fire up. But no matter how I
> tried, the brake balance+ seems to be tied to my upshift button, but the
> downshift button isn't tied to the brake balance- button. I've been able
> to drive the car, but honestly, I'm just not impressed. I'm not going to
> purchase the full package until I can get my wheel calibrated correctly,
> and able to turn some decent laps.
> Joel Willstein
> OK. Let me be the first to post a question about NetKar Pro which is
> now available for Download.
> I set up my video, audio and controllers and all seems to be working
> fine on those screens. However, when I get into the garage, I can't
> get
> the car started.
> Online Help seems to be dead link, and Offline Help just has some basic
> text where the graphics don't seem to work.
> I know that it's real early for this, but can anyone help me out
> with this?
> Thanks!