flag comes out? While it allows me to pass in the grass and pick up 10 spots,
its not very realistic. Any sites out there with new lp files for the 99
rem PACEA 2 31605000 48000 -48000 0 45
PACEA 2 31605000 118000 -23000 0 45
The default PACEA lap had the cars actually stopping sideways and in some
instances causing a caution right off the start. By changing the values to
the second line I was able to get a clean start. The altered line allows
for a wider separation between the two lines of cars on pace laps. I have
not experimented with all the track.txt files but in theory it should work
for any track. A simple matter of trial and error should get the proper
Remember if you do any online racing on TEN then the altered .txt files will
be considered illegal. I have N99 installed separately from my NROS N2
files and that would be my recommendation if you have the hard disk space.
Otherwise ensure you keep an original track.txt file avail for online
Hope this info helps.
Don Merpaw
I have fixed some tracks along with new AI's. I have worked on Talladega,
Rockingham and Las Vegas (although Vegas did not have the stopping on green
problem - it had the AI cars running very unrealistic lines - low and fast
on the track).
In general, the fix must provide two distrinct grooves in the LP files that
correlate closely with the deviations contained in the PACEA line in the
track.txt file and the pace.lp file. It is quite some effort to get this
right and modifying some AI lines is typically required.
I hope to finish more tracks and get them posted on the pits.