times, but haven't been able to connect to a race yet...I'm given a choice
of tcp/ip address, my modem, or com1. I can only get a green button using
com1, but when I attempt to connect I get a server timeout message. Is this
a normal occurrence, or am I missing somrthing here. By the way, my modem is
connected at com2, if this matters. I have no idea what tcp/ip address I
should try, or what number to dial using my modem, or if these methods will
work at all, as this vroc stuff is all new and foreign to me.Any ideas?In a
previous post I explained that I could not get to online play....my fault I
wasn't starting game in multiplayer-DOH!! And on a side note, every time I
start GPL, I have to recalibrate my wheel/pedal combo...is this normal, do
you have to do this? If it's not normal, I need to find out what I'm doing
wrong...it's not that I mind doing it, but if I didn't have to, so much the
better. The wheel is calibrated thru windows, all seems normal there, and oh
yeah, it's a Thrustmaster Super Sport, build quality is a little cheesy, but
it works real fine, any ideas, I'll try it.
Thanks for bearing with a rookie, Ed
Ed White DJ and Rusty in '99 GO#2 & #88