>I have downloaded the correct pact for my icr2 game. I run the icr100.exe2
>(spelling might be wrong?) I saw all these files expanding but I am not
>sure if the patch was executed or not. The only patch file I see in my
>icr2 directory says it was last modified in 1993. Does the patch install
>automatically when I expanded that .exe file from above? Yes my game was a
>complete install. Yes I have the correct patch. Will someone post specific
>instructions or email them to me. Thanks in advance
>Savannah, Georgia
There's a README.TXT file (or something like that) with instructions on
exactly what you need to do. If you want to save your current setups, there
a batch file named SAVEALL that will save them off. Then you run the
PATCHICR batch file to install the patch. Then run the RESTALL batch file
to restore your setups. The names of the files are from memory and may only
be close approximations.
I was messing around with ICR2 last night. First time I've spent more than
5 mins at it since the patch came out. The car handling is significantly
improved with the patch. I was able to power slide the car around some of
the turns at Laguna Seca which I could never do before. Feels like you can
catch the car just before it breaks completely loose a lot more easily now.
I was also able to use opposite lock to recover from oversteer which never
worked for me in the past. I got trounced once here in R.A.S for claiming
that it didn't behave properly in 1.0.0, so I feel vindicated now. <g>
Dave (davids) Sparks
Late Night League