I've driver a Swift '92 Formula Ford 1600, and a Van Diemen RF'90 Formula
Ford 1600 car (both at the un-***erated Castle Combe)...and all I can say
is that the F3 cars in GPL somehow match the handling of FF1600 perfectly
(and Alison Hine agrees with me, well, she did 18 months ago)
105bhp, 400 Kg, 130mph, average time at Castle Combe - 1.05 (old circuit
'sans chicane!')
I've also driven a TVR Tuscan at the same venue - BOY OH BOY...
450bhp, 800 kg, 175mph, average time at Castle Combe - 58.
And I watched Nigel Greensall do a lap at Castle Combe in his Tyrrell 022
at 130 mph average (something silly like 40-something seconds)
I like GPL physics, but it's too much like hardwork, when you can drive the
physics but can't feel them!
Just about every other racing game makes up for it by taming down the
physics a bit.
I prefer the latter of these two options.
> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 20:59:34 +1000, "Bendito"
> >>I personally love GP3, and I think the physics are great,
> > Now hang on. How can *you* think the physics are great? *You've*
> >driven an F1 car...
> Now hang on ..
> Many here, including myself, are not F1 drivers, but love GPL,
> and we think it's physics are great.
> Why can't he feel the same about GP3?