i hear what you're all saying - it took ages for me to break the
'impossible' 1:30 barrier at monza, and longer to pass the even more
'impossible' 1:29 barrier, i'm now running mid to low 1:28s with a
best of 1:28:099.
my advice is (theres lots of it- no surprise there...)
practice practice practice
download hotlap replays and watch them incar
use gpl replay analyser to see where you are turning in too late/early
compared to the hotlappers
download different setups and try them (if they are very different to
your normal ones, give yourself a while to get used to them)
most of my breakthroughs after 1:30 came while testing out other
peoples setups!!!! (its not the easy ones that are fast)
the most important thing though is THE LINE
try to copy hotlapper LINE
they use all the best bits of road, and have worked out where the less
obvious routes are - useful camber, grass to be cut etc.
As my times have improved, i have found it easier to see where i can
theoretically cut even more time off my laps - it just gets harder to
do the practical :-)
using gplspygirl i noticed that if i combined the 1st half of one of
my good laps with the second half of another i came up with about
1:27:5 - YEEHAA - that was a while ago and i've still to break 1:28
i have also worked out that i have to brake too early in a few places,
and will have to modify my LWFF pedals to knock off even more time.
I guess what i am saying is that if you keep at it - keep practicing,
and more importantly keep changing little things here and there, line,
setups, breaking points, throttle on points. Keep reading tutorials on
the web, then you will keep improving slowly but surely.....
Roll on 1:26 :-D
(my current monza setup is ricardo nunnini's latest lotus but using
greger huttu gear ratios)