GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

Trevor Pavit

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Trevor Pavit » Mon, 15 May 2000 04:00:00

I've gotta tell somebody. After months of trying I finally got a 1:29.9
round Monza.
I know this is nothing to some of you hotshots but I'm over sixty years old
and using an old Thrustmaster wheel without pedals (I live on a boat). I've
been consistently in the 1min 30s for weeks.
For fun I actually like using the Ferrari with Ali Hine's settings but the
above was achieved with the Lotus (again using her settings - get down to
the Eagle Woman website).
Next problem: I can't get round Spa in under 3:27 - any advice anyone?

Nb Lady Elgar - Grand Union C***(England)


GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by slyDo » Mon, 15 May 2000 04:00:00

Is that hours, or minutes ! ;-)

Jan Verschuere

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 15 May 2000 04:00:00

Spa is a big place... can you be a bit more specific as to your troubles
there? Should be a lot easier to do a sub-3m27s lap at Spa than it is to do
a sub-1m30s one around Monza (congrats BTW).

PS.: Just curious... if you have power to run your PC, how does living on a
boat prevent you from using a nice FF wheel and pedals?

David Butte

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by David Butte » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

Well played! :-) Getting 1:28 is a *lot* harder - I haven't done it

I assume you're using the Eagle (you should be!). Try this:

1) Go to Schubi's site ( )
2) Go to the Spa section and download Greger Huttu's setup (not
Wolfgang Woeger's - that's for joysticks)
3) Fire up GPL Race Engineer (you can get that from Alison's site)
4) Fiddle about with the gear ratio settings (bottom right-hand corner
in GRE). Try these gear sets (ratios):

1st : 14/33 (7.31)
2nd : 17/29 (5.29)
3rd : 19/28 (4.57)
4th : 24/32 (4.13)
5th : 22/26 (3.66)

Redline in 5th should be 203mph.

5) Get out on the circuit! This setup, with no other changes, got me a
very pleasing 3:19.07, which at the time was 78th in the world (it's
now 81st).

6) IF you can't crack it, d/l Greger's replay and watch that. Compare
it to yours with GPL Replay Analyser.

7) Have fun! Spa's the best circuit in GPL - great stuff!
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Simon Brow

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Simon Brow » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

Since switching pedals I've been unable to get under 1:30 for about a month
now, but yesterday I finally did a 1:29.67 in the Eagle with the default
setup, as well as 4 other slower sub-1:30 laps in the Lotus.  I honestly
can't see how either of these cars can ever go anywhere near 1:27.  Sure the
Lotus is a bit faster than the Eagle, and I know I can improve a little at
Lesmo 2 and Parabolica, but that would put me around 1:29 flat.  I really
don't see another 2 seconds...
Larry Hawe

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Larry Hawe » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

I hear ya Simon, I have a similar experience and can't see another 2
seconds either. Unfortunately until I can, I will forever be stuck in
the 129's as well.


> Since switching pedals I've been unable to get under 1:30 for about a month
> now, but yesterday I finally did a 1:29.67 in the Eagle with the default
> setup, as well as 4 other slower sub-1:30 laps in the Lotus.  I honestly
> can't see how either of these cars can ever go anywhere near 1:27.  Sure the
> Lotus is a bit faster than the Eagle, and I know I can improve a little at
> Lesmo 2 and Parabolica, but that would put me around 1:29 flat.  I really
> don't see another 2 seconds...

Trevor Pavit

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Trevor Pavit » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

> I hear ya Simon, I have a similar experience and can't see another 2
> seconds either. Unfortunately until I can, I will forever be stuck in
> the 129's as well.

> Larry

> > Since switching pedals I've been unable to get under 1:30 for about a
> > now, but yesterday I finally did a 1:29.67 in the Eagle with the default
> > setup, as well as 4 other slower sub-1:30 laps in the Lotus.  I honestly
> > can't see how either of these cars can ever go anywhere near 1:27.  Sure
> > Lotus is a bit faster than the Eagle, and I know I can improve a little
> > Lesmo 2 and Parabolica, but that would put me around 1:29 flat.  I
> > don't see another 2 seconds...

I think some of these super-quick times are done by hotlap specialists who
have phenomenal reflexes and use some very weird setups to get that one
great lap. Personally I find the real fun is in the *racing* - I've
sometimes got so involved that I want to go round to Bandini's pit after the
race and thump him - until I remember that he's only an AI.


colin bro

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by colin bro » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

i hear what you're all saying - it took ages for me to break the
'impossible' 1:30 barrier at monza, and longer to pass the even more
'impossible' 1:29 barrier, i'm now running mid to low 1:28s with a
best of 1:28:099.

my advice is   (theres lots of it- no surprise there...)

practice practice practice
download hotlap replays and watch them incar
use gpl replay analyser to see where you are turning in too late/early
compared to the hotlappers

download different setups and try them (if they are very different to
your normal ones, give yourself a while to get used to them)

most of my breakthroughs after 1:30 came while testing out other
peoples setups!!!! (its not the easy ones that are fast)

the most important thing though is THE LINE

try to copy hotlapper LINE

they use all the best bits of road, and have worked out where the less
obvious routes are - useful camber, grass to be cut etc.

As my times have improved, i have found it easier to see where i can
theoretically cut even more time off my laps - it just gets harder to
do the practical :-)

using gplspygirl i noticed that if i combined the 1st half of one of
my good laps with the second half of another i came up with about
1:27:5 - YEEHAA - that was a while ago and i've still to break 1:28

i have also worked out that i have to brake too early in a few places,
and will have to modify my LWFF pedals to knock off even more time.

I guess what i am saying is that if you keep at it - keep practicing,
and more importantly keep changing little things here and there, line,
setups, breaking points, throttle on points. Keep reading tutorials on
the web, then you will keep improving slowly but surely.....

Roll on 1:26    :-D


(my current monza setup is ricardo nunnini's latest lotus but using
greger huttu gear ratios)

Trevor Pavit

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Trevor Pavit » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

That's the problem, Jan, I *feel* as though I'm quick all the way round Spa.
I guess the real key to a quick lap is the Masta kink, which I find
difficult. If I get it right I'm so nervy that I mess up somewhere else!
so I can't see myself improving by more than 2 seconds.

In a word - space. We get 230v power from our 12v batteries via an inverter
but, because it is designed for the British c***system, our boat is only
just over 2 metres wide so all my computing gear (and much else besides) is
fitted into a very small cabin which does not give me room to extend my legs
properly. Another problem is my wife, who does not understand how vital it
that I spend at least two hours a day practising ("playing" as she calls it)
GPL ;-)



GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Eldre » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

>1) Go to Schubi's site (
>2) Go to the Spa section and download Greger Huttu's setup (not
>Wolfgang Woeger's - that's for joysticks)
>3) Fire up GPL Race Engineer (you can get that from Alison's site)
>4) Fiddle about with the gear ratio settings (bottom right-hand corner
>in GRE). Try these gear sets (ratios):

>1st : 14/33 (7.31)
>2nd : 17/29 (5.29)
>3rd : 19/28 (4.57)
>4th : 24/32 (4.13)
>5th : 22/26 (3.66)

Maybe this is why I can't seem to understand the setups.  I can understand the
7.31, 5.29, etc. but all the other ratios***me up.  IIRC, the manual didn't
really explain this well enough, or I must have skipped that page...

10+ seconds faster than my PB.  That would be nice...<g>


Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Eldre » Tue, 16 May 2000 04:00:00

>I've gotta tell somebody. After months of trying I finally got a 1:29.9
>round Monza.
>I know this is nothing to some of you hotshots but I'm over sixty years old
>and using an old Thrustmaster wheel without pedals (I live on a boat). I've
>been consistently in the 1min 30s for weeks.
>For fun I actually like using the Ferrari with Ali Hine's settings but the
>above was achieved with the Lotus (again using her settings - get down to
>the Eagle Woman website).
>Next problem: I can't get round Spa in under 3:27 - any advice anyone?


Congrats!  I can't be of much help, though.  I'm at 1:30.26 at Monza, and
3:26.83 at Spa, both in the Ferrari.  For Spa, I downloaded a replay from Rick
Prydden.  I think it was a 3:15.67.  Using the exact same setup, I couldn't get
under 3:32, or something.  My 3:26 is with Alison's setup...<shrug>  Although I
was able to use Rick's lap to see the lines he followed through the turns, I
couldn't duplicate that effort. :(

Eldred - who would be happy being able to do 3:20 at Spa...
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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David Butte

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by David Butte » Wed, 17 May 2000 04:00:00


Yeah, I had the same problem - you just get "brain overload" after a
bit. GRE's changed everything there.

Yes - then you look at Schubi's site, and see that the record for the
Ring is now under 7:50, and just cry, frankly...

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

David Butte

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by David Butte » Wed, 17 May 2000 04:00:00

>> Spa is a big place... can you be a bit more specific as to your
>> troubles there? Should be a lot easier to do a sub-3m27s lap at
>> Spa than it is to
>> a sub-1m30s one around Monza (congrats BTW).

>That's the problem, Jan, I *feel* as though I'm quick all the way
>round Spa. I guess the real key to a quick lap is the Masta kink,
>which I find difficult. If I get it right I'm so nervy that I mess
>up somewhere else!

Took me ages to work out Masta. What I do is to go right over to the
right, almost touching the grass, on the straight before it, and belt
along flat in fifth - you should top 200mph here if you've got a good
run out of the previous complex. Don't brake until *just* after the
100 board. Dab the brake (this needs a fair bit of practice, as your
timing has to be right), and turn in just as you come off the pedal.
Put a bit of throttle back on, or you'll spin.

Just before the first apex, start turning right so that it looks for
a split second as if you'll hit the right-hand Armco. Just after
that, get back on the power properly, and floor it. You should *just*
clip the dust on the left-hand side, and can then belt down the
straight towards Stavelot (again, you'll top 200mph and shouldn't
brake till after the 100 board). If you get it right, you can do Masta
without ever dropping below 170mph (some people can do 180+, but
that's just not human...)

I've no idea if this technique is remotely orthodox, but it works
well for me, and I've done several sub-3:20 laps with it and the
setup I mentioned higher up this thread. HTH.

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
really." (Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Andre Warrin

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Andre Warrin » Wed, 17 May 2000 04:00:00

On 16 May 2000 00:57:40 GMT,

>Just before the first apex, start turning right so that it looks for
>a split second as if you'll hit the right-hand Armco. Just after
>that, get back on the power properly, and floor it. You should *just*
>clip the dust on the left-hand side, and can then belt down the
>straight towards Stavelot (again, you'll top 200mph and shouldn't
>brake till after the 100 board). If you get it right, you can do Masta
>without ever dropping below 170mph (some people can do 180+, but
>that's just not human...)

>I've no idea if this technique is remotely orthodox, but it works
>well for me, and I've done several sub-3:20 laps with it and the
>setup I mentioned higher up this thread. HTH.

Exactly like I do it, and one of the most satisfying experiences in
GPL. When taken properly, it looks just as if you never will make it
though the Masta at such a ridiculous speed, but when taken like you
describe it above, you juuust avoid the armco on the right and the
dust on the left. Superb corner, very rewarding.


Trevor Pavit

GPL - Monza in under 1.30, hooray!

by Trevor Pavit » Wed, 17 May 2000 04:00:00

I found the car almost undrivable on Rick's settings!

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