I have GP3 and find it accurate but a bit too serious and dull.
I have F1 2000 which seems more fun, and a lot faster than I remember now
that I have a 1.8 GHz PC + GEForce 2. Two main gripes are the wimpish sound
and the other cars wiggling from side to side and the annoying bloke who
keeps telling me I can do better than that...
F12000 Seems to be have more of a sense of speed and exitement than GP3.
My favorite used to be F1 World Grand Prix, where you could have an arcade
style thrash, out of car view was the best (unsim-like I know), and you got
to see other car action in a pop up window, and you got ITV style top 6
positions displayed. In other words, you were driver and spectator. I think
they had Murrey et al commentating. However the physics was crap. Wanting
instant gratification, I liked championship mode where you could do one
flying qualifying lap, then a short race, followed by the next race etc.
Oh and I use a joystick, my realism requirements don't extend to a wheel.