Stealth S220


Stealth S220

by Mobil1 » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

 Does anyone know of new drivers for this card ???????/

Stealth S220

by jdmoor » Thu, 30 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Check out for the latest drivers/info/anything
related to Rendition-based video cards. My advice on updating drivers is
that if you are experiences problems with lock-ups, funny colors, etc.
then consider a driver update. You may also want to update particular
drivers in your set, like the latest OpenGL. However, this does not
require a complete change of driver sets.

If you are looking for faster performance, new drivers are not going to
be the answer. You will be lucky to get an additional one or two fps by
changing drivers. You will also may go backwards an introduce more
problems and worse performance. The most likely result will be no
change. In other words, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

By the way, my Stealth II S220 may be the best purchase for the money
I've made on my computer to date. Your mileage and budget may vary. For
those of you playing the home game, don't cofuse the S220 with the
latest Intel-based Diamond Stealth II G460. It is not a Rendition card.
Bjorn's site has all the goods on the V2x00 cards. Just FYI.


>  Does anyone know of new drivers for this card ???????/ is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.