Thanks for the info, Keith. Sounds like a crazy design by Logitech,
since MS/Intel are planning to do away with serial/parallel/game
connectors, and the whole purpose of USB is to make things simpler. I've
finally decided just to get an inexpensive USB joystick/gamepad for the
time being. When I add a more powerful desktop down the *road* a bit,
then I'll probably join you force-feedback folks.
> In Windows 98, you need a game port to install the Logitech even
though the
> Logitech connects to RS232 or USB.
> Keith.
> >Will the Logitech Wingman Force or Formula Force and accompanying
> >software work with a non-3D graphics card with 2MB of Video Memory?
> >systems include a Thinkpad 1411 (300MMX with Neo Magic MagicGraph
> >and 32 MB of RAM) and a Toshiba 335 (266MMX with 96 MB RAM and a
> >and Tech 65555 PCI video adapter). Both only support 2MB of Video
> >Memory.
> >How about the Thrustmaster Nascar Force GT? Also, does this include
> >application software, or just drivers?
> >Thanks, Don
> >Sent via
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