Could you *please* do something about the bad behaviour and driving on / "WON"??
It's worse than a Jerry Springer show at times for Christ sake!
Also, while I'm begging, any chance you could do somethign to prevent all
these "wreckers" from ruining all the races?
Just something as simple as allowing the server admin to set a "min. LPI"
(LPI=Laps Pr. Incident) for attending - just like the min. skills - would
I for one think you could have solved this alot better than what we see
now... The way things are now it will do no-one no good. People will get
fed-up over your products and perhaps not buy the next title... I can also
see a time in the future were sims will be online-racing only - and IMHO -
this can be a time where all the bad driving and behaviour will back-fire!
On Sierra, Papy, Nascar and "us" - the community...
I challenge you Papy-folks to use a few nights on "WON" - try race around on
the servers that got drivers on them - and see how much you enjoy having
your raced ruined by some lemonhead who thinks wrecking all the others is
the coolest thing since sliced bread!
Pretty please...