> Okay............just jumped from a 9000pro to a 9800 pro and it seems as
> though the options in my video settings can be know better?? I do see a
> more fluid motion and whatnot (RBR demo for instance runs really good
> now) but I can't set a few of them to full. The rest of my system maybe??
> Athlon XP 1700+ (1.5g)
> 512 ram
> MSI KT4AV board (new)
> Is there anything else needed to know?? Am I maybe expecting too much
> from the card?? Granted, so far these are the only 2 games I've had the
> time to try. Thanks all
Turn on anti aliasing and ansiotropic filtering in windows display
settings... but they dont work properly with RBR, so download omega
drivers from www.omegadrivers.net and there is a program called radlink
that comes with it so you can set custom settings for each game. When
the omega radlink is installed right click on a short cut and click
custom settings. A new page will be displayed in the shortcut
propertiues that will set custom display options for that game.