Momo (Black) F1C and NR2002 settings


Momo (Black) F1C and NR2002 settings

by Gary » Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:39:25

Can anyone with settings for the black Momo ff wheel in F1C or NR2002 (or
both) please send me your settings.  I can use your global settings in
profiler as well as specific settings for the sims and your setting within
the sims.  I've had my wheel for 2 years and all I get in F1C are rumble
strip effects and centering spring effects.  In NR2002 I don't get much of
My global settings are:

Overall effects 135
Spring effects   135
Dampening          0
Centering spring 135 (should this be checked?)

My specific settings are now set the same.  In F1C my force setting is
at -55 and "Full" effects and "Wheel".  I tried "Joystick" as well as "High"
effects but just can't seem to get a decent setting.
Any help would be appreciated.  I've checked a source for archived R.A.S.
topics but could not find any settings that seemed to work.


Dave Henri

Momo (Black) F1C and NR2002 settings

by Dave Henri » Sat, 29 Oct 2005 15:40:38

  centering spring set to off or if on, then set the value to zero or 1
Both Papy and ISI include the centering forces in their own FF code.
  The following is all for F1c or GTR or rFactor.

 I run my global Windows settings at 95 or 97% and the ingame settings at -
90ish. (if the wheel feels notchy, the reduce.  If it is smooth, the
increase until the notchyness occurs.    For all Logitech Momo wheels you
have to set your FF slider to a negative value.
  Next set the axis, in game and in the profiler to 50%   This is full
linear.  If that is too twitchy then you can reduce it to your liking to a
value less than 50%   Greater than 50% should increase your cars turning.

Reduce your speed sensitivity setting to zero.  

  For F1c especially set your viewpoint for your driver's eye level to as
low as possible(and still see over the rim of the***pit) to get better FF
dave henrie


Momo (Black) F1C and NR2002 settings

by gbeard1 » Sun, 30 Oct 2005 02:55:03

Thanks Dave...I'll give it a try and see if that works.  I'll let you know
if I have any other problems.

Good to hear from you again,
Gary Beard


Momo (Black) F1C and NR2002 settings

by gbeard1 » Sun, 30 Oct 2005 04:02:07

Those settings worked great!  I can't believe what I was putting up with for
2 years.  Just a little fine tuning and this thing will have to feel just as
good as my Explorer...if not better.

Thanks again,
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