N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

Michael Basde

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Michael Basde » Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:00:00

All in

> Yeah, you tell him, Mark. Can't argue with the facts!

I don't think there was a large North American contingency there, but I guess
it's obvious to see what you percieve a 'reality'....


All in good fun...


Tim Vanhe

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Tim Vanhe » Fri, 17 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Jsut another frustrated driver who doesn't have the patience of learning the
real challenge of those great retro-racers...
At least they've got an original package.



N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by BSMa » Sat, 18 Dec 1999 04:00:00

What planet are you on matey?
Jeffrey Haa

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Jeffrey Haa » Sat, 18 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Who cares how good GPL physics are. Noboy gives a sh!t about 1960s F1
>cars.  And who needs to hear your beefs about N3 anyway??

>This looks like a thread of GPL suck ups that feel they need to stick
>together now to convince themselves that GPL is more popular than N3.

>Someday they might take that wonderful physics engine and put it in a
>racing era that someone actually cares about.

>Until then, nothing can touch N3 as a total package.

Spoken like a true myopic American who thinks the whole world
revolves around him.  Read a few books, look around, you might find
that there other things interesting out there.  

Jeff Haas

Tim Vannam

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Tim Vannam » Wed, 29 Dec 1999 04:00:00>:

Most likely the one on this side of the Pond!  :)

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