N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Morga » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

*SPLONK* - sort of

I don't really kill-file anyone except actual trolls, but this is a really
thoughtless reply.

Morgan Vincent Wooten


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Morga » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

see below...

Hell yeah! We'd have a brand new game engine every two years!

> > This may ruffle some feathers here, but...

> []

> > -Larry

Morgan Vincent Wooten
Ronnie &Princess Bigwhi

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Ronnie &Princess Bigwhi » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

 The AI are improved but they dont fight for positions like I wish they did,
they just arent very aggresive usually. I love N3 though just wish that
windoze wasnt such a weak platform for ***.

> > I think the AI are pushovers.

> Then crank the AI setting above 85% :-)

> --

> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Boom » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00


I'm one of those guys that just can't stay interested in single
player. I bought N3 purely because of the TCP/IP online component.

My .02 worth is the online component seems more like a 'hack' than
something developed by a company that has 'years' (NROS/TEN)
experience as well as a parent company (Sierra) that has 'done it
right' in other games (Tribes, Homeworld).

When I first tried online racing, I couldn't find 1 out of 10 servers
that I couldn't even *ping*, much less connect to. Now I've 'found'
the secret. 1st I have to try and connect (98% reports 'connection
failed'). Only THEN does it seem I can ping the server (50/50 chance
on a return). If I can ping the server (and the latency is fine) I can
generally then connect just fine.  If I don;t go thru those steps then
I don;t race. wtf is up with that?

OK, I've heard my 'problem' of not being able to connect/ping 'in
general' is due to me trying to connect to a host that has gone on to
qual/race/etc. What kind of online connect scheme is THAT I ask you?
And in any case, if that's the case then SAY SO in the docs. For the
longest time I just thought something was just broke. Besides IMHO,
once a host moves past practice it should disappear from the list

Bad drivers: What *IS* it with these yahoos. Forget the intentional
sMAsHErs, nothing you can do about that (except, see below), I'm
talking about just plain ol rookies. Last night I joined 6+ races,
went thru the practice, quals, etc. only to be taken out before even
getting to the backstretch. The last race I was so disgusted I just
quit N3 (at the start in turn one, me in 5th with the leaders holding
their line some dip$hit decided to try and pass everyone low on the
*apron*. That was bad enough but another dumba$$ was cutting under HIM
in the grass! Both then decided they weren't gaining anymore ground so
they simply decided it was time to 'merge' into the already tight

Now I don't claim to be a 'professional league' driver or rocket
scientist but it doesn't take me but once to figure out I cannot
occupy the same physical space someone else is already occupying.  You
would think others would figure out (giving them the benefit of a
doubt) after a couple times of taking out the field on a start that a
30 lap race isn't going to be won in turn 1. Seems to me there is an
inordinate amout of drivers that practice quals to get up front, but
have NO CLUE whatsoever how to actually *race* after that.

What I'd like to see is (just like a host can set max latency/ping
time now) also have the ability for a host to be able to set entrance
requirements to a minimum number of 'points' AND/or prevent players
from joining that have had 'N' incidents in past (insert appropriate
number) races. Yea I know there are leagues and a host can password a
race, but 'joe schmoe' pickup drivers like me that try hard to race
clean can't know 'everyone', and it takes too long to get to know the
'insiders' so I can at any given moment join a race that consists of
people actually wanting to have a chance to *finish* a race over the
course of the event.

It's been a long time since I played NASCAR ('95ish). Despite the bugs
you more experienced drivers are seeing, I guess I'm just not jaded
yet and I love N3. but I'll tell ya... the online bozos are absolutely
ruining this game for me...


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Outshin » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Then you are the exception to the rule.


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Rikanthr » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Sorry...but I do think GPL is the Messia of Racing Sims.  I had to go there.

And I agree with you, N3 is a big dissapointment.

Ditto that.

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"

Bob Curti

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Bob Curti » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

And you're telling us this because......

> This may ruffle some feathers here, but...

> At this point, I find Nascar Racing 3 not only completely un-enjoyable at
> this point, but borderline defective.

> At first, I was enamored at the nice graphics, smoke, slight physics
> improvements, etc...  But, after playing it for a few months, I am
> thoroughly disappointed.  The honeymoon is over.

> N3 has so many problems I don't even know where to start.

> 1.  The AI is incredibly stupid.  It seems smart at first, but after so
> getting wrecked out so many times by cars just swerving down from the top
> grove right in to you, slamming on brakes for no reason whatsoever, etc... I
> am no longer impressed by the AI.

> 2.  Graphics stutter in the corners.  A PC with 128MB RAM, a TNT2 Card, and
> a 450Mhz processor should not be seeing this.

> 3.  Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.  Except in Nascar Racing 3.
> What _is_ it with that car wobble?

> 4.  Double-File restarts don't work.  I have YET to see double file restarts
> actually work.

> 5.  Multi-Player.  So many problems here, I won't go in to them all.  Some
> of it Papyrus can't fix, like bone-head drivers, bad connections, etc...
> But, there should be SOME way for the system to keep track of race hosts
> that cancel races before they are done, and if it reaches a certain
> threshhold, that person cannot start any races for a certain period of time.
> I am SO tired of race hosts getting damaged, and then "taking their ball and
> going home" by canceling the race in mid-race.  Multi-Player won't be
> useable until we have dedicated servers again, like we did with NROS.
> Period.  Yes, I know about the beta...  I'm not convinced it is the answer,
> though.  DEDICATED servers like TEN are the answer, and that's what we
> really need to push for.

> 6.  Force Feedback.  I know that some here think it's great.  I think it
> sucks.  I find it very unrealistic and to me it does nothing but slow down
> my reaction time because of the excessive latency it adds.

> 7.  Did I mention the kamakazi AI?

> 8.  Run races without yellow flags offlline?  Not if you want to finish a
> race without the track being blocked permanently.  This seems to be the
> worst at Bristol.  Have a big pile-up without yellows on, and the wrecked
> cars, dozens of them, will just sit in the middle of the track and go no
> where.  This is a new problem with N3.

> There's a lot more, and I'm sure that most of this has already been
> mentioned, but I had to put my 2 cents worth in.

> And, no.  While I do play GPL, I don't think it's the Messia of Racing Sims,
> so don't even go there...

> Thany you :)

> -Larry

Bob Curtin
Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
"If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy
Tracey A Mille

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Tracey A Mille » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

"Larry"  wrote

MY favorite game? LOL! You were the one that sounded like a Sierra
salesman the last 2 months.

"Papy has done an amazing job here.  They really have." - Larry

"I assure you N3 will be a HUGE success.  The game is excellent." -

I'm the one that can say "I told you so" now that it took you 2 months
to figure out what most of us knew the first time we booted it up:

It's the same game we've been playing for 5 or 6 years but running on
a less stable operating system at higher resolution and with
translucent smoke.

The question I have is why is the "Messiah" of sim physics engines
collecting dust while they are trying to hack new features into an
outdated engine?

Makes no sense to me. Oh that's right, our hardware can't handle 43
cars... Hell, they only licensed 25 Winston Cup drivers, LOL! We gave
up great physics, excellent force feedback and intelligent AI so we
can race John Smith!

Bob Curti

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Bob Curti » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

discussion (d?-skshen) noun
1. Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation.
2. A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.

whine (hwn, wn) verb
whined, whining, whines verb, intransitive
1. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear,
supplication, or complaint.
2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.
3. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch: jet engines whining.

The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright
? 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO
Corporation; further reproduction and distribution restricted in accordance with
the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

OK, you tell me what went on.  Whining or discussion.

> No, it's not another thing. It's discussion. If this group were nothing more
> than people asking how to do this and that rather than actual discussion
> there'd be little reason for many of us to visit here on a daily basis. That's
> one reason why Usenet was created in the first place. I encourage it no matter
> whether I agree or disagree.

> > Discussion is one thing.  Unilateral pissing and moaning about a sim which he
> loved
> > five minutes ago is quite another.

> --
> -----------------------------------
> Morgan Vincent Wooten

> -----------------------------------

Bob Curtin
Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
"If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy skin"

N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

No, I'm not.

So there :)



N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Nah, they just run you off the damed track.  Then they don't need to be



> The AI are improved but they dont fight for positions like I wish they
> they just arent very aggresive usually. I love N3 though just wish that
> windoze wasnt such a weak platform for ***.

> > > I think the AI are pushovers.

> > Then crank the AI setting above 85% :-)

> > --

> > Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

> > cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00


I couldn't agree more.  Combine that with the 'sore loser' hosts and it's
totally frustrating.

The dedicated servers _are_ a step in the right direction, though.

Frankly, until (we can only hope) a true, sanctioned and properly financed
replacement for NROS is created it will never, ever be the same.

I will _gladly_ hand over $20 a month again to get back what we had.  Just
no more N2 though.  I finally threw away my last analog steering wheel when
TEN went kaput  :)


> >This may ruffle some feathers here, but...

> >At this point, I find Nascar Racing 3 not only completely un-enjoyable at
> >this point, but borderline defective.

> (snip)

> >5.  Multi-Player.  So many problems here, I won't go in to them all.
> >of it Papyrus can't fix, like bone-head drivers, bad connections, etc...
> >But, there should be SOME way for the system to keep track of race hosts
> >that cancel races before they are done, and if it reaches a certain
> >threshhold, that person cannot start any races for a certain period of
> >I am SO tired of race hosts getting damaged, and then "taking their ball
> >going home" by canceling the race in mid-race.  Multi-Player won't be
> >useable until we have dedicated servers again, like we did with NROS.
> >Period.  Yes, I know about the beta...  I'm not convinced it is the
> >though.  DEDICATED servers like TEN are the answer, and that's what we
> >really need to push for.

> I'm one of those guys that just can't stay interested in single
> player. I bought N3 purely because of the TCP/IP online component.

> My .02 worth is the online component seems more like a 'hack' than
> something developed by a company that has 'years' (NROS/TEN)
> experience as well as a parent company (Sierra) that has 'done it
> right' in other games (Tribes, Homeworld).

> When I first tried online racing, I couldn't find 1 out of 10 servers
> that I couldn't even *ping*, much less connect to. Now I've 'found'
> the secret. 1st I have to try and connect (98% reports 'connection
> failed'). Only THEN does it seem I can ping the server (50/50 chance
> on a return). If I can ping the server (and the latency is fine) I can
> generally then connect just fine.  If I don;t go thru those steps then
> I don;t race. wtf is up with that?

> OK, I've heard my 'problem' of not being able to connect/ping 'in
> general' is due to me trying to connect to a host that has gone on to
> qual/race/etc. What kind of online connect scheme is THAT I ask you?
> And in any case, if that's the case then SAY SO in the docs. For the
> longest time I just thought something was just broke. Besides IMHO,
> once a host moves past practice it should disappear from the list
> anyway.

> Bad drivers: What *IS* it with these yahoos. Forget the intentional
> sMAsHErs, nothing you can do about that (except, see below), I'm
> talking about just plain ol rookies. Last night I joined 6+ races,
> went thru the practice, quals, etc. only to be taken out before even
> getting to the backstretch. The last race I was so disgusted I just
> quit N3 (at the start in turn one, me in 5th with the leaders holding
> their line some dip$hit decided to try and pass everyone low on the
> *apron*. That was bad enough but another dumba$$ was cutting under HIM
> in the grass! Both then decided they weren't gaining anymore ground so
> they simply decided it was time to 'merge' into the already tight
> field.

> Now I don't claim to be a 'professional league' driver or rocket
> scientist but it doesn't take me but once to figure out I cannot
> occupy the same physical space someone else is already occupying.  You
> would think others would figure out (giving them the benefit of a
> doubt) after a couple times of taking out the field on a start that a
> 30 lap race isn't going to be won in turn 1. Seems to me there is an
> inordinate amout of drivers that practice quals to get up front, but
> have NO CLUE whatsoever how to actually *race* after that.

> What I'd like to see is (just like a host can set max latency/ping
> time now) also have the ability for a host to be able to set entrance
> requirements to a minimum number of 'points' AND/or prevent players
> from joining that have had 'N' incidents in past (insert appropriate
> number) races. Yea I know there are leagues and a host can password a
> race, but 'joe schmoe' pickup drivers like me that try hard to race
> clean can't know 'everyone', and it takes too long to get to know the
> 'insiders' so I can at any given moment join a race that consists of
> people actually wanting to have a chance to *finish* a race over the
> course of the event.

> It's been a long time since I played NASCAR ('95ish). Despite the bugs
> you more experienced drivers are seeing, I guess I'm just not jaded
> yet and I love N3. but I'll tell ya... the online bozos are absolutely
> ruining this game for me...


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

First, I don't bash my friend, so get your facts straight.

Second, I do believe I said while I _was_ happy with it at first, after time
the shiny has worn off and I'm NOT so happy with it any more.

I'm so sorry you are so sensitive to reasonably presented problems with
your, apparantly, favorite game.

I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings.



N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Your point?


> And you're telling us this because......

> > This may ruffle some feathers here, but...

> > At this point, I find Nascar Racing 3 not only completely un-enjoyable
> > this point, but borderline defective.

> > At first, I was enamored at the nice graphics, smoke, slight physics
> > improvements, etc...  But, after playing it for a few months, I am
> > thoroughly disappointed.  The honeymoon is over.

> > N3 has so many problems I don't even know where to start.

> > 1.  The AI is incredibly stupid.  It seems smart at first, but after so
> > getting wrecked out so many times by cars just swerving down from the
> > grove right in to you, slamming on brakes for no reason whatsoever,
etc... I
> > am no longer impressed by the AI.

> > 2.  Graphics stutter in the corners.  A PC with 128MB RAM, a TNT2 Card,
> > a 450Mhz processor should not be seeing this.

> > 3.  Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.  Except in Nascar Racing 3.
> > What _is_ it with that car wobble?

> > 4.  Double-File restarts don't work.  I have YET to see double file
> > actually work.

> > 5.  Multi-Player.  So many problems here, I won't go in to them all.
> > of it Papyrus can't fix, like bone-head drivers, bad connections, etc...
> > But, there should be SOME way for the system to keep track of race hosts
> > that cancel races before they are done, and if it reaches a certain
> > threshhold, that person cannot start any races for a certain period of
> > I am SO tired of race hosts getting damaged, and then "taking their ball
> > going home" by canceling the race in mid-race.  Multi-Player won't be
> > useable until we have dedicated servers again, like we did with NROS.
> > Period.  Yes, I know about the beta...  I'm not convinced it is the
> > though.  DEDICATED servers like TEN are the answer, and that's what we
> > really need to push for.

> > 6.  Force Feedback.  I know that some here think it's great.  I think it
> > sucks.  I find it very unrealistic and to me it does nothing but slow
> > my reaction time because of the excessive latency it adds.

> > 7.  Did I mention the kamakazi AI?

> > 8.  Run races without yellow flags offlline?  Not if you want to finish
> > race without the track being blocked permanently.  This seems to be the
> > worst at Bristol.  Have a big pile-up without yellows on, and the
> > cars, dozens of them, will just sit in the middle of the track and go no
> > where.  This is a new problem with N3.

> > There's a lot more, and I'm sure that most of this has already been
> > mentioned, but I had to put my 2 cents worth in.

> > And, no.  While I do play GPL, I don't think it's the Messia of Racing
> > so don't even go there...

> > Thany you :)

> > -Larry

> --
> Bob Curtin
> Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
> "If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green,
> skin"


N3 - Completely Un-Enjoyable at this point

by Larr » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00


It's an old saying from, well, I forget.  I think it might have been some
sort of toy from the 60's or 70's.

The tag line was "Weebles wooble but they don't fall down".



What the f*ck is a weebles wobble? Car wobble, sure. The AI sucks. Ancient
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