***pit view a little claustrophobic - particularly in the 360. The
overhead view seems to be obstructed by the roof on some cars...
Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: +33.541
Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: +33.541
In the *.VEH files (i.e, \F1 2001\SEASONFIAGTV2\Vehicles\ART\BV09GXA.VEH),
you can change one of the values (to adjust fore/aft position of***pit
view) in the line:
Eyepoint=(0.45, 0.975, 0.55) // (0.350,0.630,-0.350)
Sorry, I can't remember which value (I think the 2nd or 3rd). I increased
the number to bring position the viewpoint farther forward.
Or you can also change the line in the \F1 2001\SAVEFIAGTV2\default.cfg
Fov=(77.000000, 62.500000)
To adjust the field of vision (I believe the first number should be
adjusted). By reducing the 1st number, you'll start to cut off the edges of
the view, effectively stretching center of the default display wider - too
much, and you won't be able to see the left mirror.
> --
> Damien Smith
> ICQ: 77028579
> F1 2001 rank: +33.541
Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: +33.192