I'm thinking about how to implement using multiple PC's to render a
racing sim view.
I know GPL can do it using multiplayer network and tweaking the
camera's. Then you put for example 3 computers next to eachother and
play, the 2 slaves being viewers only.
However, for smooth network play, usually the car motion/rotation is
smoothed out. I would say that gives quite a difference for the center
view (unaltered) and the side views (multiplayer approximations of
what's going on in the center view).
Is that the case, in anybody's experience who's done multiple monitors
(with multiple PC's)?
For a quick hack, I want to do a 'send state of all objects' just
before the middle (master) computer renders a view, but that gives a
bit of lag (although the slave computers don't have to do physics, and
side views normally have less objects in view). Also this means you
have a dependency on framerate (the slaves will only render as fast as
the center computer).
Any ideas on tackling the issue are most welcome, as I'll muddle along
for now trying to send all state info.
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Pencil art : http://www.racesimcentral.net/