generally anything under $75 (us) is a soft(ware) or winmodem. The
easiest way to tell is count the major chips. If it has just ONE lonely
chip, then its a winmodem. If you see three chips on the circuit
board, then you have a regular modem.
3com(usr) has a new 56k modem supposedly designed for ***. You
might want to check that will probably run over $100 though.
dave henrie
> Before you ask, I've read everything about USB modems - I bought one and
> have just returned it due to hideous CPU occupancy.
> What is the *best* modem for GPL (56k so I can use it for ordinary net
> access).
> The price range is ridiculous, and it's impossible to tell if they are
> selling soft-modems - I'm going mad trying to find a good one.
> Manufacturers & model numbers please ! (available in the UK)
> Cheers,
> Phil
> (k62 400, voodoo2, 256mb, win98)