the back of the grid at Monaco") in GPL.
The question is: what exactly is meant by "rock solid" ?
With my trusty Athlon T-Bird 1GHz/GeForce 2 GTS/SBLive/512 MB sdram combo
(clean PC, w98, latest drivers), I get a flashing "36" counter when pressing
alt-f in GPL. By flashing, I mean that the "3" doesn't change but the "6" is
very briefly replaced by something else (another digit ?), say, every 10
frames or so (frequency difficult to assess due to old eyeball/brain
Because the fps counter is flashing, I would not describe that as a rock
solid 36 fps, even if asked what I read, I would say "36". Is it possible
to get a non-flashing counter, i.e. "36", displayed like this -> 36 in your
news reader ? (you are not reading my post with a flashing newsreader,
aren't you ?)
Technology is a constant battle between manufacturers producing bigger and
more idiot-proof systems and nature producing bigger and better idiots.