I once compared my standard game port Ecci wheel to the MSFF. The conclusion
was that the MSFF is slightly less efficient in GPL than the Ecci when used
without FF (-3% to -5%), and much less efficient when used with FF (-10%).
In GP2 the Mssw is slightly less efficient than the Ecci, but the difference
is very small (-2%). Full report here: www.xs4all.nl/~westrab/msswfps.htm .
This comparison was made before the release of DirectX 7.
Bart Westra
> The MS FF wheel takes a significant amount of CPU time. I don't recall
> figures off hand, but I suspect if you dig through dejanews you'll see a
> post from me with some comparisons. So an increase in CPU speed would be
> required to offset its needs.
> Its only connection to the machine is at the game port. To use its FF
> capabilities, data (force commands of some form or another) must be sent
> from the computer to the wheel through this port. The game port is not
> primarily an output device, and so it has no hardware support for
> transmitting data to a connected device (like the old days of serial ports
> without 16550 UART's, only worse). Thus, any clocking of data out to the
> device (and potentially clocking in any data being read from it) must be
> done in software.
> Randy
> > I asked:
> > >I'd like to find out, what part of my system needs an update to get the
> > >important 36 fps again. I missed my 36 after going to FF with an MSFF!
> > >The specs: PII350, 64MB, Voodoo2 8MB, GPL., MSFF non USB.
> > >I guess, it is not the Voodoo2: I get nearly the same fps's in all the
> > >resolutions from 512x384 to 1024x768! The "Quality" and "Effects" do
> > >not seem to have any noticeable effect. "Deatail Bias" seem to have
> > >an effect. No very strong, though. The same with the mirrors.
> > >I also guess, MSFF uses the processor heavily? Or does it? What could
> > >the component to be updated? Where actually the needs of MSFF are?
> > >Processor? Memory? Video card?
> > There seemed to be no one to know, where the bottleneck is. So I repeat
> > my question. Better luck this time? :-)
> > Arto