I bought a Diamond Viper 550 TNT and I added my Voodoo2 card to it and GPL
is running cruddy framerates of 15-20FPS in 3DFX, even when I use the Nvidia
Riva TNT OpenGL patch I still get low framerates.
I've d/l ALL the newest TNT and 3DFX drivers but still no improvement. I've
also checked so many times if GPL is in the correct graphics mode and I've
re-installed GPL loads of times to try and fix it but nothing works.
I have a
P][ 350mhz
512 L2 cache
64MB of ram
4.3GB Hd
16 MB Diamond Viper v550
12MB Magic Voodoo 2
Could someone please help me because I love this game so much.
thanks in advanced