available at www.ati.com. They fix the road courses not loading issue
with NR2003, at least for me.
LOAD "GPL",8,1
LOAD "GPL",8,1
Thanks for the info in advance!
> Achim
> > I've seen some posts on Rage3D stating that they still had the RC issue
> with
> > these drivers.
Thanks again!
> Thanks again!
> Achim
> > I haven't tried the myself yet but a great resource is the forums on
> > www.rage3d.com Best source for ATI information around.
> I've had someone in my German league say he's got no prob with either
> Add-ons or original tracks. If this is true and the issue doesn't affect
> all, that could indicate that the prob is in the settings of the drivers or
> the system, or in the settings of N2003. Tweaktime, guys <g>
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
ATI driver: D3D settings on Quality (slider to full right) except 16x Anios
on performance instead of quality.
NR2003: 1024x768x32 4xFSAA 16x Anios
Draw Distance 100%
View front: 43 cars
View rear: 15 cars
All quality settings on high or extreme and all check boxes checked except
for the last ones (shadows from bldgs/other cars/etc.)
(XP2800+ processor)
Get about 25 fps at the back of a starting grid. Never drops below 20 fps
but usually around 45 fps.
Good luck!
> Achim
> > Hard to o'look, Achim - I had to wade thru 14 pages of forum msgs. in re
> the
> > Cat 3.1 to confirm the bottom-line suspicion: N2003's road courses still
> > don't work with the latest ATI drivers. :-\
how many fps do you lose like when you're at Michigan in the pits, between
when you're the only car on the track, and when you have 42 AI cars behind