Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

Steve Sarll

Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Steve Sarll » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

I'm in the market for a new FF wheel.  I'm planning on getting the RS
shifter but haven't decided yet between the Force RS Wheel or the
Guillemot Ferrari Wheel.  I'd like opinions on both wheels and the
pedals that come with them. I like the Ferrari's # of buttons & the
hat.  Are the buttons on the Force RS easy to use?  They look kinda
hard to reach.  Couldn't find on the Act Labs sight how many buttons
there are on that wheel.  I'm currently using the MS FF wheel & pedals
and like the pedals after the squash ball mod.  Do either of these
have a brake pedal that feels like a brake pedal?  Also what's the
throw on the pedals like?  I've seen slottweaks page about the mods so
I know neither are perfect.  I noticed that the Ferrari has a shifter
on it.  Didn't notice if this is removed in slottweaks addition of the
RS Shifter to the wheel, if not does it get in the way?  If the pedals
suck is there a way to us the MSFF Wheel's pedals with either of these
wheels?  also curious as to the software and how easily usable it is.
Main games I drive are N3 and GPL.  Occasionally some other demos but
those are the only two I own that I drive.

Thanks in advance.


Scott B. Huste

Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Scott B. Huste » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00


I can't comment on the Ferrari Wheel, but I have a review of the ACT-LABS
Force RS and RS Shifter at

The buttons on the AL wheel are all within good reach unless you have very
small hands.

Scott B. Husted
ICQ #4395450

Editor in Chief

Tim Vanhe

Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Tim Vanhe » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

There is a hat-switch too. the buttons on the upper spokes are in perfect
reach for your thumbs.

> Steve,

> I can't comment on the Ferrari Wheel, but I have a review of the ACT-LABS
> Force RS and RS Shifter at

> The buttons on the AL wheel are all within good reach unless you have very
> small hands.

> --
> Scott B. Husted
> ICQ #4395450

> Editor in Chief

> > I'm in the market for a new FF wheel.  I'm planning on getting the RS
> > shifter but haven't decided yet between the Force RS Wheel or the
> > Guillemot Ferrari Wheel.  I'd like opinions on both wheels and the
> > pedals that come with them. I like the Ferrari's # of buttons & the
> > hat.  Are the buttons on the Force RS easy to use?  They look kinda
> > hard to reach.  Couldn't find on the Act Labs sight how many buttons
> > there are on that wheel.  I'm currently using the MS FF wheel & pedals
> > and like the pedals after the squash ball mod.  Do either of these
> > have a brake pedal that feels like a brake pedal?  Also what's the
> > throw on the pedals like?  I've seen slottweaks page about the mods so
> > I know neither are perfect.  I noticed that the Ferrari has a shifter
> > on it.  Didn't notice if this is removed in slottweaks addition of the
> > RS Shifter to the wheel, if not does it get in the way?  If the pedals
> > suck is there a way to us the MSFF Wheel's pedals with either of these
> > wheels?  also curious as to the software and how easily usable it is.
> > Main games I drive are N3 and GPL.  Occasionally some other demos but
> > those are the only two I own that I drive.

> > Thanks in advance.

> > Steve-S


Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Bobo8 » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Just a note:  If you plan on getting the RS Shifter, You MUST also get the
Wheel too!  The shifter is ONLY to be used with the ActLabs wheel. When you
use the
wheel by itself, (No RS Shifter) you have a "Hat Switch" & 10 buttons (7 on
wheel & 3
on console-DashBoard).  However, when you connect the RS Shifter, you lose
the hat
 switch & 2 buttons on the wheel (Closest to the center on the upper spokes)
& this will
leave you with:
2 buttons on each upper spoke (Thumbs reach), 1 button on lower spoke (??)
and the
3 buttons on the console (DashBoard).  Just thought you might want to know
that little
tidbit!                :)


Steve Sarll

Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Steve Sarll » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Actually Slottweak has an article on his sight about adding the RS
Shifter to the Tuillemot Ferrari and mentions that he also added it to
the Logitech as well.  On the logitech he kept the gated shifting but
on the Guillemot he didn't.  Can't see paying that much for a shifter
and not having gated shifting.  But he did mention how it could be
saved by simply hooking it up to the 8 way hat instead of the shifter
circuitry.  If I use the shifter as a regular sequential shifter, ie 2
positions, do I still lose the hat & 2 switches?  Or is that only if I
use all 8 positions?  IE is it software configurable?

After reading slottweaks article carefully I'm leaning towards a
complete Act Labs setup though.  Just sounds like less 'modifications'



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Pops » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00


I just read your GREAT review of the RS FF Wheel and Shifter.

But...did I understand correctly?  Nascar 3 and GPL does NOT allow for the
sequential gear shifting?

I hope I'm wrong.  Those are the two main reasons that I'm getting the



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Pops » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

> N3 with the latest patches does, GPL does not.  SCGT is supposed to,
> but doesn't work for me.  NFS-PU does not.  RC-2000 does.  For me
> RC2000 is enough to make it worth it.

Thanks Kendt!  I feel better now.  At least to find out it works in N3.  I
wish it would in GPL too.  Oh well...such is life. <g>



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by evente.. » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

N3 with the latest patches does, GPL does not.  SCGT is supposed to,
but doesn't work for me.  NFS-PU does not.  RC-2000 does.  For me
RC2000 is enough to make it worth it.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by ForceRace » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

NASCAR 3 does support free shifting with the new patch.

The shifter kicks on the Ferrari.  The Ferrari one is kind of flimsy

Also, the Act Labs one has more button assignments

>> I can't comment on the Ferrari Wheel, but I have a review of the ACT-LABS
>> Force RS and RS Shifter at


>I just read your GREAT review of the RS FF Wheel and Shifter.

>But...did I understand correctly?  Nascar 3 and GPL does NOT allow for the
>sequential gear shifting?

>I hope I'm wrong.  Those are the two main reasons that I'm getting the



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by ForceRace » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

Steve.  Totally do it.  You won't regret it.

On Mon, 29 May 2000 16:41:25 -0500, Steve Sarlls

>Actually Slottweak has an article on his sight about adding the RS
>Shifter to the Tuillemot Ferrari and mentions that he also added it to
>the Logitech as well.  On the logitech he kept the gated shifting but
>on the Guillemot he didn't.  Can't see paying that much for a shifter
>and not having gated shifting.  But he did mention how it could be
>saved by simply hooking it up to the 8 way hat instead of the shifter
>circuitry.  If I use the shifter as a regular sequential shifter, ie 2
>positions, do I still lose the hat & 2 switches?  Or is that only if I
>use all 8 positions?  IE is it software configurable?

>After reading slottweaks article carefully I'm leaning towards a
>complete Act Labs setup though.  Just sounds like less 'modifications'


>>Just a note:  If you plan on getting the RS Shifter, You MUST also get the
>>Wheel too!  The shifter is ONLY to be used with the ActLabs wheel. When you
>>use the
>>wheel by itself, (No RS Shifter) you have a "Hat Switch" & 10 buttons (7 on
>>wheel & 3
>>on console-DashBoard).  However, when you connect the RS Shifter, you lose
>>the hat
>> switch & 2 buttons on the wheel (Closest to the center on the upper spokes)
>>& this will
>>leave you with:
>>2 buttons on each upper spoke (Thumbs reach), 1 button on lower spoke (??)
>>and the
>>3 buttons on the console (DashBoard).  Just thought you might want to know
>>that little
>>tidbit!                :)



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Bobo8 » Thu, 01 Jun 2000 04:00:00

You need to press "F10 or F11" when car control is turned over to you
at the end of pit-road!
A message will pop up telling you it is in RS Mode!
Enjoy!  Its GREAT!!!



Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by Obiwa » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

> > But...did I understand correctly?  Nascar 3 and GPL does NOT allow
> >for the
> > sequential gear shifting?

> N3 with the latest patches does, GPL does not.

I have seen some mention of this before that the The RS shifter didn't
work at all with GPL ,but I don't think I've heard about the exact reasons for
Is there no way at all that it Will work with GPL,or is it just in sequentiual
shifting it doesn't work?
what about if you add it to a ferrari or a LWFF through the mods at slottweak

Robert S?derberg

If replying by mail,remove the word  INGENSPAM from the adress.


Wheel advice. Force RS vs Ferrari

by GTX_SlotCa » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

The shifter works with all games in sequential (legacy) mode. In games that
support it, it works in free shifting (gated) mode. It's a nice unit even
when used as a regular (sequential) shifter.


Tweaks & Reviews

> > > But...did I understand correctly?  Nascar 3 and GPL does NOT allow
> > >for the
> > > sequential gear shifting?

> > N3 with the latest patches does, GPL does not.

> I have seen some mention of this before that the The RS shifter didn't
> work at all with GPL ,but I don't think I've heard about the exact reasons
> it.
> Is there no way at all that it Will work with GPL,or is it just in
> shifting it doesn't work?
> what about if you add it to a ferrari or a LWFF through the mods at
> ??

> --
> Robert S?derberg

> If replying by mail,remove the word  INGENSPAM from the adress. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.