shifter but haven't decided yet between the Force RS Wheel or the
Guillemot Ferrari Wheel. I'd like opinions on both wheels and the
pedals that come with them. I like the Ferrari's # of buttons & the
hat. Are the buttons on the Force RS easy to use? They look kinda
hard to reach. Couldn't find on the Act Labs sight how many buttons
there are on that wheel. I'm currently using the MS FF wheel & pedals
and like the pedals after the squash ball mod. Do either of these
have a brake pedal that feels like a brake pedal? Also what's the
throw on the pedals like? I've seen slottweaks page about the mods so
I know neither are perfect. I noticed that the Ferrari has a shifter
on it. Didn't notice if this is removed in slottweaks addition of the
RS Shifter to the wheel, if not does it get in the way? If the pedals
suck is there a way to us the MSFF Wheel's pedals with either of these
wheels? also curious as to the software and how easily usable it is.
Main games I drive are N3 and GPL. Occasionally some other demos but
those are the only two I own that I drive.
Thanks in advance.