I'm having a hard time configuring my steering wheel, can somebody
walk me through the setup or email me the *.con file please ?
I can't get the pedals and shifters to work....weird...
I'm having a hard time configuring my steering wheel, can somebody
walk me through the setup or email me the *.con file please ?
I can't get the pedals and shifters to work....weird...
I had a similar problem Peter, GP3 would see my wheel and shifters but not
my pedals. I read here that some have had success using the .exe file from
the warez version, which I did not have, or one of the no-cd patches
floating around on the net. I downloaded the no-cd patch from
http://www.bhmotorsports.com/ and everything works great. You must report
your pedals as "combined" in the Wingman Profiler. Have you updated to the
latest Logitech drivers from http://www.wingmanteam.com/? In the Profiler,
Under Edit/Specific Game Settings, you are able to set your pedals as
combined in GP3 only, which will not affect any of your other games. The
forum at the Wingman site can also be very helpful. Good luck.
New GPL Programs for the Converted Tracks:
> Stefan
> > Hi All,
> > I'm having a hard time configuring my steering wheel, can somebody
> > walk me through the setup or email me the *.con file please ?
> > I can't get the pedals and shifters to work....weird...
> > Thanks...
> > Peter
> Hi All,
> I'm having a hard time configuring my steering wheel, can somebody
> walk me through the setup or email me the *.con file please ?
> I can't get the pedals and shifters to work....weird...
> Thanks...
> Peter
>I'm having a hard time configuring my steering wheel, can somebody
>walk me through the setup or email me the *.con file please ?
>I can't get the pedals and shifters to work....weird...
Had a look through the GP3 forum at:
There was a fix there that suggested pointing the LWFF profiler at
GP3.icd instead of the .exe
Not sure if this helps.
"The arrow on a moving target,
the archer must be sure of his aim........"
N. Peart
Note: changes to the profile are effective straight away in the game so you
can change the FF strength etc. without having to exit.
Tony Whitley
I've also had problems with setting up my LWFF - you may have
seen my increasingly irritated posts. But I've now cured them!!!
In the end I had to:-
1) Uninstall the Logitech Profiler software.
2) 'Improve' ^_^ GP3 with the No-CD patch (I used the one from
3) Reinstall the Logitech software. You must AFAIK have the
latest version of the Logitech Profiler software ( v 3.30).
I also applied Logitech's patch that addresses calibration issues
when running DX7.0/7.0a. (I'm not sure if it had any effect on
*my* problem, though - the Wingmanteam site says it patches the
Profiler software from v 3.30.532 to v 3.30.533, but my Profiler
still says 532 although it also the patch has been applied...)
I now have full wheel and pedals (no split-axis, of course - GP3
doesn't support it) and I CAN FINALLY MAP COMMANDS TO THE
I used one of the .con files from the web (www.alphaf1.com, I
think - I looked at quite a lot). And then edited it out of all
recognition to suit my own preferences. ^_-
You're welcome. We're all friends here. I hope this helps...
Martin D. Pay