>>it's been a rumor, of and on for months, no official or
>>even leaked confirmation. we all know there will be one,
>>it's just a matter of what and when.
>Maybe after the Daytona-happening?
>Maybe after the Nascar 3 release (autumn 99?)? (Remember this is the
>main project at Papyrus, and I guess this is where the moneybag is...).
>-Nope, I hope it's in between these happenings somewhere, and a.s.a.p...
A month or so ago, Randy Cassidy (his name is in the credits when you
shutdown GPL) hinted that a patch was forthcoming, but he gave no
timeframe. In three weeks, it will have been 5 months since GPL was
I hope it's released soon, and I hope they fixed some of the stuff that
kind of annoys me. For instance, I'd LOVE to be able to join a remote
race through my linux gateway (right now, you can't), and it irritates
the hell outa me to see car #0 (and many of them) in a race.
And why isn't there a paintkit available so that we can paint the cars?
And why haven't we heard Papy's intentions concerning new carsets and
tracks? (Or could that be the reason the patch is being held up?)
None of us will know what will be fixed/added until the patch is
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
IGPS Director
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