a Best Buy, and loved the feel. By comparison, the MS wheel felt a
little too small/cluttered, and the Logitech has fairly nice shifter
Anyway - while I prefer the fact that the MS wheel uses an optical
encoder, I'm not at all crazy about their price, nor about the non-USB
nature of the beast. So I'm opting out of my previous "I'm not buying a
wheel with a pot!" stance. Particularly since the Logitech is so
inexpensive ($114 at buycomp.com), I can think of it as sort of a stopgap
measure until the *right* wheel is finally built. (The right wheel would
be as solid as a TSW, but with force feedback, a USB connection, and an
optical encoder.)
But I digress - my question: have any of you opened up your Logitech
wheel? How is the pot attached? Could I (eventually) replace the pot
with a high quality $15 milspec-type pot? Is the pot connected to the
shaft via a *** tube?
I ask, because I'm a little bummed that I *can't* replace the pot in my
T2 with anything really good, because it requires a knurled plastic
shaft. All the good pots have smooth stainess steel shafts, and I can't
see any reasonable way to retrofit one of those into the T2.
--John Bradley