450) with 128mb (pc100) ram, & win95 (osr2) with a 12mb Techworks
voodoo2 card and a Matrox g100 card, I'm also using directx6 and the
latest drivers for the above cards.
I've just got CMR and when installing for the first time, I said no
when it asked me did I want to install dx6 (cos I already had dx6
installed courtesy of Wargasm!). The program installed with no
problems. However on attempting to run the program for the first time,
the car and scenery graphics were all a sort of transparent white,
with virtually no other colours?
I checked the settings, graphics, advanced screen, and selected device
1 (as suggested in the manual for a 3Dfx/V2 card) and the default
chipset type, and tried again. The car and graphics were once again
transparent white.
I tried again using the settings, graphics, advanced screen, but this
time chose the device 0 option, and the default chipset. This time on
trying to drive the car, the screen went completely blank, (but I had
a sort of continuous revving sound!) and the pc locked up completely.
I had to reboot the pc, which restarted with a corrupt display. I then
had to restart again (in safe mode), I then had to restart again, and
reset the graphics options on my pc (select the correct graphics card
and refresh rate, etc), I then had to restart my pc again to get back
to the position was in before I started this flaming program!!!!
This happens every time I attempt to use the device 0 option.
So I went into CMR again, and this time tried the device 1 option
again, but this time used the g100 chipset option, cos I do have a
g100 card. The program ran, and the graphics were working ok. But I
assume they are not as good as the V2 graphics would be?
I have downloaded and installed the latest drivers for my cards,
Matrox (1677_411.exe), and 3Dfx v2 directx6 ref drivers (rkv2dx6.exe)
and I've re-installed directx6, and I've re-installed CMR (and this
time said yes to allow the program to install its own version of dx6),
and none of these things have made any difference.
I still seem unable to use my V2 card. Can anyone suggest any further
actions that I might take to solve this problem?
I understand there may be a patch for CMR, which I will attempt to
find and use, as this may also cure my problem? Any additional
information would be appreciated, thanks.....
*Peter* #:-)