> >Of course you decided to miss the point. I am not advocating all
> >operating systems have equal market share. I am only saying that we
> >want other operating systems around even if we don't personally want to
> >use them. MS would be left high and dry without any new ideas if
> >everything but Windows suddenly disappeared. That would be beside the
> >point since MS would no longer feel the need to update Windows on a
> >regular basis.
HW and SW are very different entities. USR and Rocwell will
eventually still compete with similar products based on a common
standard. No software company can make their own version of windows
and sell it because it is fully proprietary. We only have one source
for our products. This is actually quite scary.
Good point, but you ignore the fact that you could have different OS's
that work with standards. Therefore, apps can be ported very easily
to different platform (eg. w/ different unices).
What the hell don't you understand? TCP/IP works anywhere. DOS and
Win95 apps do not. Emulation is not in useable yet if ever. Also,
TCP/IP has competing protocols that have been rejected mostly, or we
might have ATM/IP in the future. So there. At least we have more
than one source for products. Competition is good. It should be
standards based in the computer industry IMHO.
yikes. What's wrong with commodity apps and commodity uP's then?
What about one video card manufacturer and one modem manufacturer.
I can barely form my own opinions let alone Nortel's.