It's not Papyrus' problem. It's CART. CART cries and whines about
its low TV numbers and relatively low popularity compared to NASCAR,
but it still SELLS its license rather than BUYING off developers. Do
you think that Keammer and Co. wouldn't build a CART sim if it was
funded by CART? Please! Kaemmer is an open-wheel guy and if the
money could be made to work he'd make another CART sim in a heartbeat!
The problem is that CART is too busy trying to SELL like NASCAR when
it is in no position to do so. So, it unwittingly contributes to
companies like EA and Papyrus developing NASCAR sims, which further
increases NASCAR's popularity, which further DECREASES CART's
visibility. Until CART realizes that as the less popular series it
needs to be more aggressive by subsidizing and partnering with other
companies and wooing them AWAY from NASCAR, we will continue to see
more and more defections of CART-licensees to NASCAR and Formula One,
where audiences/customers are larger.
CART, wake up and fund a Papyrus sim. Until that happens, expect more
annual NASCAR updates and nothing at all on the CART side.
>Randy Magruder schrieb:
>> Good question. My guess is that right now Sega doesn't want to
>> deflect any attention away from the Dreamcast. I wouldn't expect them
>> to port it anytime soon.
>Papy, HELP! <can't hurt to keep nagging>
Randy Magruder