are sitting on the fence about it.
Hope it helps,
Hope it helps,
> Hope it helps,
> Randy
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Before you buy.
> I know it's a little late, but it's pretty thorough, in case people
> are sitting on the fence about it.
A. Overall the best?
B. Best control using a given system's standard controller?
C. The one you would purchase if you were not given review copies?
[I know there is a PC version, but I just drive in front of my TV.
Thanks for your comments/feedback.
[Please remove NO-SPAM to email me]
Visit Calverts' Stuff -
> A. Overall the best?
> B. Best control using a given system's standard controller?
> C. The one you would purchase if you were not given review copies?
A. N64, then DC, then PSX
B. N64, then DC, then PSX
C. N64, then DC, then PSX
I never thought I'd say it about an N64 racer either. DC clearly wins
in the graphics/depth department, and analog control is generally a
huge factor with me, but the DC version just lacks a certain 'driving
feel'. It gets things more technically right, but just doesn't
translate into the best F1 driving experience. It's like it's
difficult for the sake of being difficult, not for the sake of being
realistic. I still wish for analog gas/brake on the N64, but not if
they were going to handle it as poorly as they do on the PC/DC.
> >I have not read the review yet, but I will ASAP. In case you do not
> >indicate in
> >the review, which version of Monaco (DC, N64, or PSX) is:
> > A. Overall the best?
> > B. Best control using a given system's standard controller?
> > C. The one you would purchase if you were not given review
> Tough question, ones I've asked myself. If you put a gun to my head I
> guess I'd have to say:
> A. N64, then DC, then PSX
> B. N64, then DC, then PSX
> C. N64, then DC, then PSX
> I never thought I'd say it about an N64 racer either. DC clearly wins
> in the graphics/depth department, and analog control is generally a
> huge factor with me, but the DC version just lacks a certain 'driving
> feel'. It gets things more technically right, but just doesn't
> translate into the best F1 driving experience. It's like it's
> difficult for the sake of being difficult, not for the sake of being
> realistic. I still wish for analog gas/brake on the N64, but not if
> they were going to handle it as poorly as they do on the PC/DC.
Thanks again for all the information and detailed reviews.
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Before you buy.