GPL is HARD!!!


GPL is HARD!!!

by Vam » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

I know it has been said before but GPL is really hard. At novice setting
I have a tough time staying on the track. Never mid even trying to keep
up with the other cars. I find that even on the straights I can at best
only keep up with them. I would have assumed that at novice setting I
might have a little more power. Any suggestions? I like the fact that it
is hard but I think it may be so hard that I'm not sure I'll ever get
good enough to even be competitive.



GPL is HARD!!!

by dafn » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

        Agreed . I am even thinking about getting a wheel for this
sim. Never needed one with the Indycar , Narcar for f1rs series. I
wonder if it would make this any easier?

>I know it has been said before but GPL is really hard. At novice setting
>I have a tough time staying on the track. Never mid even trying to keep
>up with the other cars. I find that even on the straights I can at best
>only keep up with them. I would have assumed that at novice setting I
>might have a little more power. Any suggestions? I like the fact that it
>is hard but I think it may be so hard that I'm not sure I'll ever get
>good enough to even be competitive.


Jim Sokolof

GPL is HARD!!!

by Jim Sokolof » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> I know it has been said before but GPL is really hard. At novice
> setting I have a tough time staying on the track. Never mid even
> trying to keep up with the other cars. I find that even on the
> straights I can at best only keep up with them. I would have assumed
> that at novice setting I might have a little more power. Any
> suggestions?

What you probably need is LESS power. :-) This is not a
full-throttle/no-throttle game; smooth control inputs (and often,
using less than full power) is the order of the day.


Peter Gag

GPL is HARD!!!

by Peter Gag » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> I know it has been said before but GPL is really hard. At novice
> setting I have a tough time staying on the track. Never mid even
> trying to keep up with the other cars. I find that even on the
> straights I can at best only keep up with them. I would have
> assumed that at novice setting I might have a little more power.
> Any suggestions?

1) Practice.

2) If you don't already have one get a wheel and pedal set-up.

3) Practice some more.

4) Memorise the circuits by heart so you know whats coming

5) Practice some more.

6) Start off slowly and gradually build up your speed, not the other
way around.

7) Practice some more.

8) Memorise how the car reacts, so you know what to expect when you
brake, turn, etc.

9) Practice some more.

10) Watch other peoples replays, you can learn a lot from these?

11) Practice some more.

12) Read the manual, this can usually help, its surprising how many
people don't bother to read this important document!

13) Finally, did I mention practice?


*Peter*    8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)


GPL is HARD!!!

by rob » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

That's an interesting one.  I've wondered sometimes if it's better
to start off fast and work on consistency, or start consistent and
work on speed.  Would you mind explaining the advantage of the




GPL is HARD!!!

by x » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>I know it has been said before but GPL is really hard. At novice setting
>I have a tough time staying on the track. Never mid even trying to keep
>up with the other cars. I find that even on the straights I can at best
>only keep up with them. I would have assumed that at novice setting I
>might have a little more power. Any suggestions? I like the fact that it
>is hard but I think it may be so hard that I'm not sure I'll ever get
>good enough to even be competitive.



The first time I played a Single Race at the Novice setting I came in last
and could hardly stay on the track. But here is a tip that might help you:
alter the default car setup by only putting in enough gas for the race. This
reduces the weight of the car - it makes a lot of difference. Also, I'd
start with the Monza track.


Grant Reev

GPL is HARD!!!

by Grant Reev » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00


er, you didn't emphasise practice enough! So i'll continue the list
for you :)

14) Practice!
15) Practice!
16) Practice!
22843) Practice!
ad infinitum


GPL is HARD!!!

by LLam5559 » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Yeah, it's hard!! That's what I like about it!  I don't have the final yet
(heading to Elbo tomorrow) but I've been playing the CGW demo for a while now.

The thing to remember is the game simulates technology that's 30+ years old.
No wings, no aerodynamics, no ground-effects packages to keep you stuck to the
track in the curves.  Plus you're racing on narrow, high-profile treaded tires
that have more in common with the tires on your family car than those on a
modern race car.

From what I've found running practice laps in the demo, you gotta pretend
you've got eggs strapped on the pedals.  Smooth & easy does it. Just a little
too much throttle coming out of a turn & I'm doing 360's down the track! Same
thing if I'm braking too long into a turn, I'll spin off every time.

So, learn the tracks inside out, have all your moves thought out before you
make them, and do everything SMOOTHLY.  Jerkiness or suddenness will get you in
trouble.  Don't worry if you lose.  You'll lose a lot.  Then, if you keep at it
you'll start winning.  And winning.  And winning.


Ed Benso

GPL is HARD!!!

by Ed Benso » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Umm, you don't spend as much time admiring the track from the sandtraps?

> That's an interesting one.  I've wondered sometimes if it's better
> to start off fast and work on consistency, or start consistent and
> work on speed.  Would you mind explaining the advantage of the
> latter?

> rob.

Johan Foedere

GPL is HARD!!!

by Johan Foedere » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

You all forgot the most impotant issue, HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Don't be bothered by the fact that you can't win the first 5, 10, 50,
etc.(?) races. Just be proud if you break your personal record. Even if
that just means you made it to the second lap.

// Johan

> ><snip>

> er, you didn't emphasise practice enough! So i'll continue the list
> for you :)

> 14) Practice!
> 15) Practice!
> 16) Practice!
> .
> .
> .
> 22843) Practice!
> .
> .
> .
> ad infinitum

Remco Moe

GPL is HARD!!!

by Remco Moe » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>You all forgot the most impotant issue, HAVE FUN!!!!!!

Hmmmmm.......:-\ What's wrong here?


Johan Foedere

GPL is HARD!!!

by Johan Foedere » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

heheh, talk about a BAD typo :-)

>>You all forgot the most impotant issue, HAVE FUN!!!!!!

>Hmmmmm.......:-\ What's wrong here?


Michael E. Carve

GPL is HARD!!!

by Michael E. Carve » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

%       Agreed . I am even thinking about getting a wheel for this
% sim. Never needed one with the Indycar , Narcar for f1rs series. I
% wonder if it would make this any easier?

Actually what is more important than the "wheel" are analog pedals.  If
you are trying to "drive" GPL with digital (on/off) breake and
accelerator, you are indeed in for a long haul.  While you are at it
look for pedal setup that will allow for the brake and accelerater to be
on separate axes.

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


GPL is HARD!!!

by LLam5559 » Sun, 04 Oct 1998 04:00:00

>%   Agreed . I am even thinking about getting a wheel for this
>% sim. Never needed one with the Indycar , Narcar for f1rs series. I
>% wonder if it would make this any easier?

>Actually what is more important than the "wheel" are analog pedals.  If
>you are trying to "drive" GPL with digital (on/off) breake and
>accelerator, you are indeed in for a long haul.  While you are at it
>look for pedal setup that will allow for the brake and accelerater to be
>on separate axes.

>**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

You mean gas & breaks via keyboard?  <gasp>  I'm using my Thrustmaster Elite
rudder pedals (I'm also a flightsim freak) which are digital I believe, they do
quite nicely. And the Thrustmaster joystick for steering tho I'm a *little*
less satisfied with that.

I've got an ancient Thrustmaster Formula T1 wheel & pedals but I haven't use it
yet, I hate the pedals.   They're too stiff for me, they've got these big
rollers your feet go on which I don't like, & they're too close together. With
a foot on the gas & one over the brakes my knees bang together :(

What I'd *like* to do is hook up my Thrustmaster wheel to my Thrustmaster
rudder pedals.  But I bet that won't work. Anyone know if that could be made to


Peter Gag

GPL is HARD!!!

by Peter Gag » Sun, 04 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Most people get a new racing game/sim and jump straight in with both
feet and immediately try to break all known lap records at the first
attempt without even glancing at the manual!!!!

This usually results in lots of unscheduled *off-road* driving
admiring the scenery when you should in fact be on the track
practicing. This is caused because the drivers have not learnt how to
control the car, not learnt the circuits, and they are driving *TOO
FAST* and end up continually crashing. This in turn dents confidence,
and can get very annoying? and you do not learn that much from
continually crashing (apart from where the barriers are situated?
and how slow it is to get out of the gravel trap?)

The more conservative approach (driving slower and gradually building
up speed) will ultimately be more beneficial (IMHO?) because of many

1) Driving slower gives you more time to react.
2) You can see & learn the correct racing line easier at lower
3) Car control is easier at lower speeds.
4) You will crash less at lower speeds.
5) If you crash less your confidence will rise.
6) Remembering circuits is easier at lower speeds.

My method for a new game/sim is to take a few laps to just drive
around the circuit, not fast at all, to familiarise myself with the
general layout. (Also check out any maps or diagrams in the manual,

Then try some faster laps, but the object is to just try and stay on
the track without spinning/crashing off. Once I can do this
consistently (I have learnt to anticipate the corners and bends) I
start to gradually increase speed and try to lower my laptimes, but
the emphasis is on gradually.

As you gradually drive more laps, you get more familiar with the
circuit, and can anticipate better, try to go faster on the straights
on each lap by accelerating out of corners earlier. also try to brake
into corners a little bit later on each lap. Each lap you are only
trying to improve on the last one (even if it is only by 1/100th of a
second) and not trying for an out and out record. Although,
obviously, if you drive an outstanding lap, then that is a bonus!

As the laps count off, you will find the best braking points, the
best gear change points, and the correct line for the circuit. You
will also be learning about the car, how it brakes, how it
accelerates, how it slides, how the wheels lock up, etc. Because you
are doing it gradually, you are learning that little bit extra on
each lap, feeling for the limit of the car, the braking limits, the
traction limits, etc.

I find using this method, after about 20 - 25 laps of pretty much any
circuit, in any game/sim, that I have learnt enough about the car and
circuit to drive a fairly competitive lap? This means after say about
half an hour to an hour I can be pretty quick and fairly consistent.

Whereas, the guy that just jumps in feet first and drives hell for
leather (unless he is *very* talented?) ends up spending the first
half an hour to an hour spinning all over the place, crashing out,
smashing into things, *AND* at the end of it all, he knows *** all
about the cars limit or the layout of the circuit, cos he has spent
more time off the circuit than the marshals!!!


*Peter*    8-)
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