Arcade mode: This is arcade all right... Fight other cars for the orad.
Easy, it just takes some practice to beat them handily. In INTERMEDIATE,
they REALLY put up a fight. I can win the tarmac course pretty
(5 out of every 6?) but winning the other two courses in "class A"
me completely. I've won once or twice out of up***th times trying. And
without beating everybody in Class A I can't even unlock class B! :-/
Rally Challenge: the superspecial stages are interesting, and I can beat
all comers on easy and intermediate after a bit of practice. However,
beating them on "hard" is nearly impossible, and so far the furthest
got is quarter-final (round 2). These guys are *** out lap times
that I can't even get CLOSE (2-4 seconds faster, which is a lot on
an SS course)! I didn't make any mistakes and such, but I still can't
The sucky replay in CMR2 doesn't help me pinpoint my mistakes and
such either.
Rally Championship: Did fine in easy level, won almost all events except
Finland (in the snow). Decided to try Intermediate... BIG mistake! The
competitors are suddenly doing SO MUCH better I am not even in the top
five. If I can't even get close to top in Intermediate, what does HARD
Just a note: I'm a casual driver, which means I don't have a wheel. I
with a joystick only... But I do well enough on the different rally
games I
own, including CMR, CMR2, Rally Masters, etc. etc. And I drive only
automatic ***. Will a wheel improve my times that much? Or should I
learn how to drive manual?
K S C H A N G 77 (AT) PC Guru, web developer, gamer, Trekker
Y A H O O (DOT) COM database developer, idea man, IT guy
"If it looks too obvious, it probably is." -- anonymous