Am I bad or is CMR2 hard even on MEDIUM?

remove EATSPAM to repl

Am I bad or is CMR2 hard even on MEDIUM?

by remove EATSPAM to repl » Wed, 04 Jun 2003 09:21:56

Was trying to have a bit of fun in CMR2... Trying different modes.

Arcade mode: This is arcade all right... Fight other cars for the orad.
Easy, it just takes some practice to beat them handily. In INTERMEDIATE,
they REALLY put up a fight. I can win the tarmac course pretty
(5 out of every 6?) but winning the other two courses in "class A"
me completely. I've won once or twice out of up***th times trying. And
without beating everybody in Class A I can't even unlock class B! :-/

Rally Challenge: the superspecial stages are interesting, and I can beat
all comers on easy and intermediate after a bit of practice. However,
beating them on "hard" is nearly impossible, and so far the furthest
got is quarter-final (round 2).  These guys are *** out lap times
that I can't even get CLOSE (2-4 seconds faster, which is a lot on
an SS course)! I didn't make any mistakes and such, but I still can't

The sucky replay in CMR2 doesn't help me pinpoint my mistakes and
such either.

Rally Championship: Did fine in easy level, won almost all events except
Finland (in the snow). Decided to try Intermediate... BIG mistake! The
competitors are suddenly doing SO MUCH better I am not even in the top
five. If I can't even get close to top in Intermediate, what does HARD

Just a note: I'm a casual driver, which means I don't have a wheel. I
with a joystick only... But I do well enough on the different rally
games I
own, including CMR, CMR2, Rally Masters, etc. etc. And I drive only
automatic ***. Will a wheel improve my times that much? Or should I
learn how to drive manual?

K S C H A N G 77 (AT)    PC Guru, web developer, gamer, Trekker
Y A H O O (DOT) COM      database developer, idea man, IT guy
   "If it looks too obvious, it probably is." -- anonymous

David Corles

Am I bad or is CMR2 hard even on MEDIUM?

by David Corles » Thu, 05 Jun 2003 00:11:43

A wheel makes a pretty big difference in CMR2, as compared to a keyboard.
Rally cars don't like going from lock to lock instantly in fast corners...

The transmission doesn't make much difference though, I just generally like
to be able to choose which gear I'm in.

> Was trying to have a bit of fun in CMR2... Trying different modes.

> Arcade mode: This is arcade all right... Fight other cars for the orad.
> In
> Easy, it just takes some practice to beat them handily. In INTERMEDIATE,
> they REALLY put up a fight. I can win the tarmac course pretty
> consistently,
> (5 out of every 6?) but winning the other two courses in "class A"
> eludes
> me completely. I've won once or twice out of up***th times trying. And
> without beating everybody in Class A I can't even unlock class B! :-/

> Rally Challenge: the superspecial stages are interesting, and I can beat
> all comers on easy and intermediate after a bit of practice. However,
> beating them on "hard" is nearly impossible, and so far the furthest
> I've
> got is quarter-final (round 2).  These guys are *** out lap times
> that I can't even get CLOSE (2-4 seconds faster, which is a lot on
> an SS course)! I didn't make any mistakes and such, but I still can't
> get
> close.

> The sucky replay in CMR2 doesn't help me pinpoint my mistakes and
> such either.

> Rally Championship: Did fine in easy level, won almost all events except
> Finland (in the snow). Decided to try Intermediate... BIG mistake! The
> other
> competitors are suddenly doing SO MUCH better I am not even in the top
> five. If I can't even get close to top in Intermediate, what does HARD
> look
> like?

> Just a note: I'm a casual driver, which means I don't have a wheel. I
> drive
> with a joystick only... But I do well enough on the different rally
> games I
> own, including CMR, CMR2, Rally Masters, etc. etc. And I drive only
> automatic ***. Will a wheel improve my times that much? Or should I
> learn how to drive manual?
> --

> K S C H A N G 77 (AT)    PC Guru, web developer, gamer, Trekker
> Y A H O O (DOT) COM      database developer, idea man, IT guy
>    "If it looks too obvious, it probably is." -- anonymous is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.