fact, but anyway....
If Papy is going to abandon NASCAR, where do they go next?
They want to do multi-platform games - what is the most popular console
racer? GT3, a sports car racing title.
And what is one of the most hoped for PC racing titles? SCGT 2, a
sports car game that people were petitioning for last year but that will
probably never get made.
Does anyone here think Sierra is not aware of how much money the
publishers of GT3 are raking in?
Have you noticed how many other games are trying to cash in on GT3's
popularity? Sega GT 2002, Pro Race Driver, Project Gotham Racing and
its sequel, etc.
Really Sierra/Papyrus couldn't do much better than to make the
definitive multi-platform sports car racing game. Frankly all the other
efforts in this field are somewhat less than a full sim, so there is a
hole in the market, an angle they could take that would separate their
product from the rest of the field. Well maybe I am full of BS too, but
we can always hope, can't we?
While we are dreaming, Sports Car Legends anyone?