Papy Rumor

Steve Smit

Papy Rumor

by Steve Smit » Sun, 10 Nov 2002 21:44:33

So what yer saying is that GT/GT2/GT3 sales of fif*** million (15,000,000)
isn't HUUUUUUGE?  Or that my, erm, B.O. isn't adjusted for hypertrophy?

> > And these numbers don't even include home video
> > revenues :-0.

> And the easy fact of the inflation on either PC games or movie tickets
> (anybody should check out the adjusted gross of movies to see that most of
> the stuff released today really doesn't get much audience)

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> --
> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
> Corporation - helping America into the New World...

Bill Bollinge

Papy Rumor

by Bill Bollinge » Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:26:22

Totally false on the Xbox.  MSFT does not have any plans to abandon XBOX.
The XBOX is the one primary product MSFT will be pushing the american
consumer to purchase over the next 10 years.

> If I had a nickel every time I've heard that in the last 20 years, I'd be
> ric.....well, I'd have about $20 now!

> Console *** has it's peaks and valleys and pc *** is the constant.
> history repeats, consol *** has once again oversaturated the market and
> is headed for a decline.  MS's Xbox has been a big failure and will likely
> be abandoned next year unless they do surprisingly well this holiday

> -Tim

> > Papyrus like every other game developer is realigning their efforts
> towards
> > consoles. Where poor games fare better and their intellectual property
> > better protected. Do we really need a Nascar game every year? Look at
> > four years and counting. The PC *** Golden age is over :(

> > > And I do mean rumor, as in I just made this up and there is no basis
> > > fact, but anyway....

> > > If Papy is going to abandon NASCAR, where do they go next?

> > > They want to do multi-platform games - what is the most popular
> > > racer?  GT3, a sports car racing title.

> > > And what is one of the most hoped for PC racing titles?  SCGT 2, a
> > > sports car game that people were petitioning for last year but that
> > > probably never get made.

> > > Does anyone here think Sierra is not aware of how much money the
> > > publishers of GT3 are raking in?

> > > Have you noticed how many other games are trying to cash in on GT3's
> > > popularity?  Sega GT 2002, Pro Race Driver, Project Gotham Racing and
> > > its sequel, etc.

> > > Really Sierra/Papyrus couldn't do much better than to make the
> > > definitive multi-platform sports car racing game.  Frankly all the
> > > efforts in this field are somewhat less than a full sim, so there is a
> > > hole in the market, an angle they could take that would separate their
> > > product from the rest of the field.  Well maybe I am full of BS too,
> > > we can always hope, can't we?

> > > While we are dreaming, Sports Car Legends anyone?

> > > ;o)


Papy Rumor

by Philste » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 00:40:30

What I would like to see:

A Car Wars/autoduel game! That would be nice indeed. You could enter your
car in different types of features (for ex, a $10 000 car feature, 10 laps
no holds barred (doesn't matter if you're the last one standing), the 18
wheeler/bus challenge, the sub-compact with only on type of weapon allowed,

Each event would be held at arenas (think of them as tracks) full of twists
and jumps. You start your "career" with a predetermined amount of money.
Build a basic car and then smash the opposition with rocket launcher,
flaming oil jets, etc). You could finally wreck legally all those boneheads
that used to wreck you on purpose in pick up races :)

Wouldn't it be fun... Goy Larsen's in the lead, drops some flaming oil and
explosive spikes (heheheh) on lap 3 and take half the field out... Ymenard,
who had the smart idea of buying auto-seal tires charges back and punts Goy
out of the way with his plow-bumper, just to be amazed by John Simmons'
amazing display of bravardo in using the "jump" short cut and winning the 10
laps feature at Hammer Downs.

All this in Papyrus-O-Vision (including smoke, fire effects (finally), dirt
and oil on the windshield :), incredible visual damage on the cars, etc).

Philippe "Philster" Sergerie


Papy Rumor

by Haqsa » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 02:08:36

I think you are right.  IF the Xbox is a failure (and I'm not really
convinced of that yet) they will logically just push ahead their plans,
already rumored, to recast the Xbox as a set top digital entertainment
portal, with TiVo-like capabilities, etc.  It may mutate a little in the
coming years, but it's not going to disappear.


Papy Rumor

by Joe6 » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 02:21:25

>I wouldn't say Xbox has been a failure - it's not even 12 months old.  People
>quickly forget that the PS2 was little more than a doorstop 12 months after it's
>release - not a single decent game.  

Huh? It had GT3, GTA3, Tony Hawk (not that I like it, but some people
love it), SSX, ICO, and several other triple-A games. And an install
base of 10 million.

It may be true that MS has the patience to keep lose money for the
next 3 year, and try again in with the XBox 2 vs the PS3. If not, they
are history in the game console business.


Steve Smit

Papy Rumor

by Steve Smit » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 04:42:42


Ballmer has already said as much (when he wasn't busy making inappropriate
clown gestures).


> I think you are right.  IF the Xbox is a failure (and I'm not really
> convinced of that yet) they will logically just push ahead their plans,
> already rumored, to recast the Xbox as a set top digital entertainment
> portal, with TiVo-like capabilities, etc.  It may mutate a little in the
> coming years, but it's not going to disappear.

> > They *will not* just give up after a year. They might rebrand,
> > reshuffle, rethink, but like a plague, they will be back. Never
> > underestimate Microsoft in that way.

> > Regards, Ruud

Goy Larse

Papy Rumor

by Goy Larse » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 06:58:23

> What I would like to see:

> A Car Wars/autoduel game! That would be nice indeed. You could enter your
> car in different types of features (for ex, a $10 000 car feature, 10 laps
> no holds barred (doesn't matter if you're the last one standing), the 18
> wheeler/bus challenge, the sub-compact with only on type of weapon allowed,
> etc).

> Each event would be held at arenas (think of them as tracks) full of twists
> and jumps. You start your "career" with a predetermined amount of money.
> Build a basic car and then smash the opposition with rocket launcher,
> flaming oil jets, etc). You could finally wreck legally all those boneheads
> that used to wreck you on purpose in pick up races :)

> Wouldn't it be fun... Goy Larsen's in the lead, drops some flaming oil and
> explosive spikes (heheheh) on lap 3 and take half the field out... Ymenard,
> who had the smart idea of buying auto-seal tires charges back and punts Goy
> out of the way with his plow-bumper, just to be amazed by John Simmons'
> amazing display of bravardo in using the "jump" short cut and winning the 10
> laps feature at Hammer Downs.

> All this in Papyrus-O-Vision (including smoke, fire effects (finally), dirt
> and oil on the windshield :), incredible visual damage on the cars, etc).

My name got mentioned in a thread I haven't participated in and which
doesn't mention AussieV8's, guess Andy Warhol was right after all

Btw, Yemanrd will never catch me, with or without cheats, he's too damn
slow :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--


Papy Rumor

by Cong » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:33:06

Yeah PC has been a constant all right. A constant source of bankrupcy and
cheap acquisitions for developpers (Papyrus a perfect example). Anyway with
99% of the market, Microsoft has shifted its *** focus from the PC to the
Xbox, how is anyone going to change that?

Xbox is growing nicely but MS wasn't losing $50.00 a pop every time it sold
a copy of Windows...

> So what yer saying is that GT/GT2/GT3 sales of fif*** million
> isn't HUUUUUUGE?  Or that my, erm, B.O. isn't adjusted for hypertrophy?

> > > And these numbers don't even include home video
> > > revenues :-0.

> > And the easy fact of the inflation on either PC games or movie tickets
> > (anybody should check out the adjusted gross of movies to see that most
> > the stuff released today really doesn't get much audience)

> > --
> > -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> > --
> > -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
> > Corporation - helping America into the New World...


Papy Rumor

by TDRacin » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:12:49

lol  At the beginning they were.  hmmm  Maybe they have a clue about what
they are doing.     You think?


Papy Rumor

by Nic » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:38:19

> I wouldn't say Xbox has been a failure - it's not even 12 months old.  People
> quickly forget that the PS2 was little more than a doorstop 12 months after it's
> release - not a single decent game.

Disregarding all the amazing games available on the PS2 when it hit 12
months, there is the fact that it sold massively more over the first
year of its life than the xbox, and is still outselling it today.

Also, Microsoft could fix Windows over and over until it was right,
but you can't fix problems in a sealed box, however big that box might
be. They can solve them with the xbox2, xbox3 and so on, but
unfortunately for them, Sony are one step ahead of them all the way.
The PS2 was a year old when the xbox appeared, yet is still mopping
the floor with it. Next time around, Sony will make another leap
forward with their product and its massive fanbase, while Microsoft
will still be working on xbox v1.1.


Papy Rumor

by Haqsa » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:47:01

As far as that goes, as near as I can tell there is no real software on
the Xbox itself, other than a couple hundred K kernel in the system ROM.
Everything else is included on the DVD that the game comes on, all the
way down to device drivers.  So the Xbox system software is not static,
it can continue to evolve, and each new game is delivered with the
drivers and libraries that it needs and that it is guaranteed to work
with (assuming they did their testing properly).


Papy Rumor

by Cong » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:50:29

I think love em or hate em Microsoft is the biggest success in corporate
history. Such a success that the government will disregard a supreme court
juge's decision and use very ginger remedy in dealing with Microsoft. A real
American treasure.

I don't play console games, I much prefer the PC, but my sons love their PS2
and there will be a cool xbox bundle under the tree for them this Xmas.

> lol  At the beginning they were.  hmmm  Maybe they have a clue about what
> they are doing.     You think?

> > Xbox is growing nicely but MS wasn't losing $50.00 a pop every time it
> sold
> > a copy of Windows...

Jason Moy

Papy Rumor

by Jason Moy » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:01:54

Bigger than Standard Oil?



Papy Rumor

by Cong » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:46:13

I think so. There have been many others Ford, Standard Oil, Enron....

Just kidding :)

> >I think love em or hate em Microsoft is the biggest success in corporate
> >history.

> Bigger than Standard Oil?

> Jason

Bill Bollinge

Papy Rumor

by Bill Bollinge » Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:57:47

Well, I think MSFT and it's 40 billion in the bank can wait on whatever PS2
might come up with and just buy them out.  It doesn't matter, it is just
like monopoly when someone owns the most property and has the most money.
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