I also have a TPTCC question... where can i find the Icr2-N2 converter,
I emailed jkohl i believe (link from theuspits) but no reply.... I'd
love to try this out being a fan of turning the right way
> As a consequence of buying Nascar 99 for tracks to convert, I
> converted the whole sim to use The Pits,Touring Car Champions patchs.
> It's a lot of fun bucketing around Watkins Glen and dicing with some
> really dumb AI cars, but it's certainly not GPL. My questions are
> about methods to get more brake pedal authority and how you can select
> a model of car to drive as the sim driver. Every time I've tried to
> enter a new driver, the program has crashed back to the desktop.
> Any page references for .ini editing? I'd like to mess around with
> this for a while before I scrape it off my hard drive.
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