I built a wheel with the help of Lou and Walt Ottenad, and it works great.
I too, would like to add FF. I understand the basic principles, but like you need
more info.
Perhaps you already know this, but as I understand it, FF works by the game sending
information to a board on the controller, which activates electric motors to move
the controls. I'm sure there wouldn't be too much difficulty in setting up motors
and linkages and so on. The main problem here is that your controller requires a
digital component, in order to cope with the info from the game, and software to
drive it. This is where it becomes more complex for people like me with relatively
limited electronics knowledge. What we need is an electronics boffin who is willing
to part with their knowledge.
Somewhere, some time ago, I found a site with detailed information on the subject.
I'll see if I can find it again and give you the URL.
Meanwhile, I hope you get some more responses, hopefully from tech-heads who can
help more.
But hang in there, I'm with you on this.
> I built a wheel with the help of Lou and Walt Ottenad, and it works great.
> I too, would like to add FF. I understand the basic principles, but like
you need
> more info.
> Perhaps you already know this, but as I understand it, FF works by the
game sending
> information to a board on the controller, which activates electric motors
to move
> the controls. I'm sure there wouldn't be too much difficulty in setting up
> and linkages and so on. The main problem here is that your controller
requires a
> digital component, in order to cope with the info from the game, and
software to
> drive it. This is where it becomes more complex for people like me with
> limited electronics knowledge. What we need is an electronics boffin who
is willing
> to part with their knowledge.
> Somewhere, some time ago, I found a site with detailed information on the
> I'll see if I can find it again and give you the URL.
> Meanwhile, I hope you get some more responses, hopefully from tech-heads
who can
> help more.
> But hang in there, I'm with you on this.
> Glenn
> > I built a wheel from plans on "Lou's Wheels" at
> > http://www.monmouth.com/~lw4750 several years ago for GP2. It's been
> > sturdy and precise. I e-mailed Lou recently about the possibility of
trying to
> > add force feedback to a homemade wheel. Lou's would like to do it, but
> > technical info. I agreed to try a few posts for him and gather info.
> > with technical knowldge on FF who would like to participate please
contact me.
> > To be honest, I don't know if this is even possible, but hey why not try
> > Remove "edy" for e-mail response.
> > Thanks
> > Steve