> I have been driving GPL for 14 months using a 14" monitor. I am wondering if
> upgrading to a 19" would have any benifit to GPL lap times? Does a bigger
> screen allow you to pick out finer details thus improving the driving line.
> Thanks
> Jan
It doesn't make you any faster, but it does make it more comfortable
to drive. Here at work I play GPL on a 21" monitor, and that's just
awesome, but of course I'm not supposed to play GPL much at work :)
At home I've been playing GPL a bit on my roommate's PC which has a
17". I've been setting a few personal bests there lately, but the
screen just feels so small and I feel like I'm squinting and
concentrating too hard just to see the road compared to the 21". I
just bought a 19" last week (slowly building my own PC) and put that
on my roommate's PC and that made quite a big difference - I'm not
any faster, but it did feel more comfortable, less squinting. And
to think I used to play GPL on a 15" monitor back in '98. argh :)
So larger monitors don't make you any faster, they just make it a lot
more comfortable to look at (which I guess could improve your
ability to concentrate over a full length GP, at least).