Here are links to my Benchmark scores.
The first link is the AMD XP2000+ w/ Ti4600 running at 800x600 (not sure
why, I thought it was 1024x768)
This second link is the AMD XP2000+ w/ GF3 Ti500 running at 1024x768
Maybe these scores will help you see a little of what the changes would be.
My FPS in Nascar2002 only went from 70-80's up to 90-100's at 1600x1200x32
with no FSAA enabled. Everything on , with 4X FSAA and I am at 35-45fps
when approaching the S/F line at Indy with a full field.
> > My game of choice is GTR2002. I recently bought a Radeon 9700 Pro.Can
> > anyone tell me what kind of a performance gain I would make upgrading my
> > motherboard to go from a 266FSB to a 533FSB, and AGP 4X to AGP 8X. I am
> > current getting a 10,466 3dmark2001 SE score on a AMD XP2200 (1.81) .
> My 2600+ running with 333FSB and 8X AGP scores in the 14000 range, this
> is a bit low as I probably should see closer to 15k, but I haven't
> messed around with a single setting yet
> I'd expect that P4-2.5 to run in the same range if on a decent MoBo
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
> --Groucho Marx--