Bill Berry
Except double the bandwidth to your video card...
What kind of generic comment is that?! Please qualify your statement.
I'm running a 9700 Pro on 8x and when I switch it to 4x I see a noticable
difference in performance.
Have you tried it yourself? I'm running a 9700 Pro on 8x and when I switch
it to 4x I see a noticable difference in performance.
> > ASUS has a P4 board that is 8x AGP.
> > Bill Berry
> > > ASUS has a P4 board that is 8x AGP.
> > > Bill Berry
Until textures get so big that they won't fit in our graphics boards any
longer, the AGP transfer rate will remain just a marketing point.
Maybe some day...
> > I believe you, but would also like to know why it does not help. Could
> you
> > post a little explanation or maybe a link with some info about 8x AGP.
> > > 8x AGP does absolutely nothing useful
> > > > ASUS has a P4 board that is 8x AGP.
> > > > Bill Berry
>Until textures get so big that they won't fit in our graphics boards any
>longer, the AGP transfer rate will remain just a marketing point.
>Maybe some day...
8x 14617
4x 12843