>> As stated in an earlier message, I planned to re-install the original
>> version of N2. However, I tested the patch one more time, AFTER I
>> re-installed N2. This eliminated the sudden lurches to the right. My
>> theory is that the modified track files are what is causing the
>> problem. All of my .txt files were modified, to reflect the larger
>> fields, as were some of the other files, for AI patches from the net,
>> etc. However, starting fresh, with all the original files, allowed
>> the patch to work its magic. I'm still not convinced until I race at
>> all the tracks, but so far so good.
>> Kirn Cromur
>Sp what your saying is, re0install N2 then the ptch then everything
>should be fine? Cool, I'll have to try that.
Re- installing the n2 can not change a thing cause the patch ONLY
works on the ---- original exe and track files. I also saw another
post that said if he got the patch from a different site the patch
worked better. Yeah right!!!
The problem is that whoever wrote the patch screwed up the exe file
trying to fix some joystick/wheel response deal. And then did not
bother to test it before release. This problem affects different
systems in different degrees. but the fact remains it's in the exe
file and it was not there before the patch. Iv'e swapped the files
back and forth and the problem follows the exe file. Others who have
e-mailed me have said the same but do what you want if it makes you
feel better.