> With the new chipsets comeing out the TX and LX that supports fully mmx and
> Sdram.And your wanting speed for your system. You better wait a couple of
> months. Because the Vx and Hx are about to be history..Same goes with the
> video cards Why waste your hard earned $ when better is comeing for the
> same price or cheaper.I know i want the fastest for my raceing sims and
> other apps But nows the time to wait and see.
Unfortunately, "NOW" is ALWAYS the time to wait and see....there finally
comes a point to where you really can wait no longer..think of it as the
calm eye of the storm..the storm being this damn computer technology
race...it seems like , espeicially with the 3-d video cards, it has been
the time to wait--forever! next month, no matter how long you wait ,
seems like something better has come out anyhow!! oh well, you can't
ever win with computers!!! ;)
"He who fights with monsters might take care,
lest he thereby become a monster.
And if you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you."
-Freiedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"
******Chris and Lesley Kolling******
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