Hi all,
Having recently set my weather defaults to "random" in N2 gave rise
to some thoughts and questions about handling in the sim and its'
application to the NRO.
In N1, if you had fast setup you were fast (relative to the other
cars ) regardless of the temp or wind. I never noticed any handling
differences to speak of. If I pulled off a 195 mph lap at Taladega
at 80deg. and 197 at 90deg. the handling remained the same. So the
same setup worked just as well at any temp or wind speed/dir.
Would that be the same as in real life? I notice some Winston Cup
teams struggling with the sun out and others welcoming it. Some
teams have a great setup for 50deg. and overcast skies and it falls
apart when the sun pops out or the temperature rises. And it occurs
to me that the changes to the setups as a result of weather are not
applied equally to all the teams, as they seem to be in the sim.
An example: Mark Martins' winning setup the day before is not so
good today, whereas Gavels' second place setup yesterday at 80deg
is still good enough the next day at 95deg. for second place in the
So, are any of the variables that serve to make a setup change its'
characteristics due to weather/temp/wind modeled into the sim? If
so, is it a random thing or (as I suspect) across the board where all
are affected equally? Hmmmm, I really can't think of reason to include
variable weather and temp/wind unless it would affect different setups
adversely or positively. Changing weather conditions and effects during a
race aren't modeled into N2 are they? I know tire wear/fuel load and
damage are.
And I'm wondering if the NRO will be using variable weather in the
series? If so will we get a forecast?
As I see it, the only thing we really have to work with is the chassis
setup and our ability to drive. We don't have an engine program to eke
out that few extra hp. And I often wonder what in the heck the difference
is between, say Earnhardts team and Dave Marcis team that keeps em on
opposite sides of track? I guess maybe I'm looking for a break or two
from the predictable " you have fast setup,you win". But then again,
I think maybe a few full length races in the NRO will even up the
score a bit.
Thanks for your indulgence.
Gavel ..TEN, Kahn,Kali and semi retired from Hawaii