I know this is an old thread subject, but it didn't affect me until today...
I got my new 4.3 gig drive, it is d: 2gig, and e: 2gig, used fat 32 on
it, but my c: drive is still fat16.
The drives are both scsi, main drive is a 2 gig, fat16 one partition. the
new drive is fat32 2 partitions.
Now my Nascar on drive c wont run.
the only other thing I did this weekend is install IE4.o reels version...
can anyone tell me what their problems were and what to look for?
here is what happens, setup... starts to run in window, goes to full screen,
dies... no video, monitor shuts down like power management, loss of sync I
presume. until I installed the new drive I could run Nascar from my
original 2 drives, the 2 gig as main drive c: fat16 and 1 gig drive d: fat16
partitioned twice D&E.
I reinstalled Nascar and still does this.
when fdisk asked me if I wanted to use fat 32 for drives, even though I
wouldn't be messing with the first drive, did it set something? fdisk says
c: is fat 16 d&e are fat32.