Yep, it's about GPL :)
Well, for any TNT card it is kind of default to change the
MirrorsEvery value to 8 or at least 6 in the [ OpenGL ] section of
CORE.INI . This has not so much to do with the TNT chip but more
with the OpenGL implementation of GPL (Quake2/OpenGL rocks hell on earth
to my understanding, I know diff type o'game, but still).
It makes the mirrors being updated once every eight frames (which will
need some getting used to).
With only this change I have constant 36fps at 1024x768 with max 1 car
in front, with 2 it goes down to about 30 or so.
To make it even better change the MipFiltering value to 3, it does not
show, but it will keep you at 36fps longer.
Also, for racing at VROC, I reduced the graphics in the mirrors (the
mirrors are the killer for GPL/OpenGL).
I hope the patch will support native D3D/TNT support, but we'll have to
see about that (maybe Randy Cassidy can comment on this?)
> ok, I am glad to see this thread, because I had a question about this.. I
> am hoping that we are talking about GPL here..
> I have an Asus AGP V3400, with stock drivers, a celeron overclocked to 450
> at 2.0v.. and the best that I get is 23 fps.. and that is tops.. I
> usually stay at 21 with no other cars on the track.. It seems to play
> fine, no jerk or anything else, but I am not getting anywhere near the 36
> fps that it recommends.. Is there anything you guys are doing? Any
> setting in the core.ini that I should know about? Do you have all graphics
> turned on?
> Just Wondering,
> Marks
> >Me too. Asus AGP-V3400TNT/TV/16MB oc'd to 100/120MHz in a
> >except at the start at 1024x768. All with original bios and
> >drivers.
> >> I get 36fps in 1048x780, except at the start.
> >> I find it very playable.
> >> >the frame rate is much wilder on TNT that it ever was with a
> >> >banshee I tried.
> >> >The varying frame rate makes it harder to play than it should.
> >> >I put my old Voodoo1 back in, and although the frame rate was
> >> >down in the 20s it still *seemed* smoother and easier to drive.
> >> >What do you think, is this something I can fix myself, or is
> >> >it a common problem with the drivers?
> >> >Thanks.
Ren van Lobberegt, The Netherlands.
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